Any GenII stock seats for loan?

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Lee B.

Well-known member
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
Leawood, KS
On 9/23 I'm scheduled to take my '08 stock seat in to a local (to KC) seat guy to have him rework it.

The hope is that he'll provide a cost-effective solution that allows my bony butt to put in consecutive 400-500 mile days. Cost effectiveness is important but also I'd like a solution that doesn't require a cross country ride-in but does provide for me to try out the seat for some customizing adjustments before it is done, recovered and paid for.

I'll keep this group informed of the progress and how the final seat work turns out, cost, customer service, etc.

What I'm interested in is if someone w/in 50-100 miles of me has a stock seat they could loan me for a few weeks while he works on my stock seat and while I try it out, get more adjustments, etc. I'd be able to come get it if you're w/in a hundred miles or so.

I take my seat in to them on 9/23 so would like to have a loaner this weekend--9/19 or 9/20. They anticipate a "first draft" by 9/25 but I'm heading out of town that weekend. I plan to pick up the reworked "first draft" the week of 9/28 but won't be able to give it a several hour trial until 10/3-4. Once they finish the driver seat they will do the pillion but the only adjustment to it is to make it fit the driver seat and to recover it to match the driver seat. I anticipate getting the loaner back to the owner the weekend of 10/10-11, maybe 10/17-18.

Anyone with a spare Gen II seat and the willingness to help out?



I am in Columbia and have a stock seat as well.Mark

Can we make some tentative plans for a pick up and drop off?

If someone closer to me has one to offer I'd go that way but if not I'd appreciate borrowing yours.

Does the timing I describe above work for you? As in a pick up in Columbia this Saturday or Sunday?



I have a rider seat you can use. PM me
I'm really looking for one that is w/in a few hours round trip for me to ride to and pick up.

Thanks anyway!

You can come by to pick it up whenever convenient. If I will not be here, I'll leave it out for you so you can pick it up.

FYI, I may be heading to Independence this week. If so I'll see if I can strap the stock seat on to my bike and you could pick it up there and save about a 115 miles. I should know tomorrow afternoon if I will be making the trip on Wednesday or Thursday.

We can work out the details via pm if you wanta play.

You can come by to pick it up whenever convenient. If I will not be here, I'll leave it out for you so you can pick it up.
FYI, I may be heading to Independence this week. If so I'll see if I can strap the stock seat on to my bike and you could pick it up there and save about a 115 miles. I should know tomorrow afternoon if I will be making the trip on Wednesday or Thursday.

We can work out the details via pm if you wanta play.
PM sent.

You can come by to pick it up whenever convenient. If I will not be here, I'll leave it out for you so you can pick it up.
FYI, I may be heading to Independence this week. If so I'll see if I can strap the stock seat on to my bike and you could pick it up there and save about a 115 miles. I should know tomorrow afternoon if I will be making the trip on Wednesday or Thursday.

We can work out the details via pm if you wanta play.
PM sent.
Back at ya.
