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Thanks for the advice guys and girls, so far she is playing nice with me, telling me she will pay for the divorce and the lawyer fees and she used that word "amicable" so she wants us to meet with a lawyer on monday to talk things out with him, what should I do?

We have a house we have lived in for 2 years, we have a car payment of 400 dollars a month we have a bike payment of 170 of month.

She has school loans aswell so im not sure if we go 50/50 im responsable for half of that and we have a 2 small credit cards. Thats it.

Her idea of amicable is she gets the house in her name and if or when she sells it I get half then, and she will also take the full loan of the car payment , I will take over the bike payment and she keeps her credit card and I keep mine. And pretty much she keeps all the junk in the house if I agree to that we will still stay "freinds" because after all she keeps telling me im ALWAYS going to be her bestfreind.

Or do I go for option B : Screw being freinds sell the house now and we split everything 50/50 and I take alamony.

Or option C : Tell her to back off with the divorce for a few weeks so I can clear my mind, after all its only been a week of being seperated.

Thanks for the support
