Anybody here ever used Rejex?

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2006
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Portland, OR
After returning from my 500 mile ride yesterday, my blue bike is now green because of all the yellow bugs! Cleaning it wasn't difficult because I always use a steaming hot towel to cook them off so to speak, but it got me thinking about something better. Someone from Canada on another board suggested Rejex (click here) and it looks promising. He says all he has to do is hose them off, the stuff is that slick.

I was just wondering if anyone here has used it on an FJR? I did a search here for simply "Rejex" and got no results.

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I have several pilot buddies who use REJEX and swear by it. Some also just use lemmon Pledge.

After two weeks of the latest lovebug attack, I'm willing to try anything.

So far i've used wet paper towels on every stop to keep the acid from the paint. The website claims it's all that. I don't know, rejex or lemon pledge over maguires.

Anyway the little bastards are dying off now and we've had our first cool weather of the fall. Sarasota tomorrow1

That looks very promising but any half decent truck wash should remove any bug guts off just as long as you give it a good rinse afterwards no dramas, my paint work looks as beautiful as the day it arrived.


I use it and it does work well. I'm not sure it is any better than some of the other products out there, but I bought it, and I use it and the bugs do come off pretty easily. Give it a try B)
