Anybody run different seats?

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Aug 27, 2007
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Salt Lake City, UT
I'm considering getting a russell seat for trips and converting the rear seat to a bag about like a tank bag. The wife will never tour with me. Because I like hanging off when cornering hard I'd still like to have a stock front seat for shorter trips. A stock rear for the wife would be good around town. Has anyone ever thought of this or done it? Searches say I may be the first. It seems like a good if expensive idea to me. Any thoughts??

Stan C.


Russell uses the stock seat pan, so you'd have to have another stock seat.

I have a Russell (as far as I know I'm the only one who doesn't love it) for longer trips. It only gets me about 20 minutes longer on the saddle before I start hanging one or the other cheek off to relieve the pressure. But don't let me discourage you, as I said I am the only one I know of who doesn't love it. It did get better after a modification but I think I need another. If that doesn't do it, I'll sell or ask for a refund.

The Russell is also taller than stock and the wider 'wings' can make it difficult to put your feet down. I went from being able to stand up over the bike flat footed to only getting the balls of my feet down.

For these two reasons, I bought a set of stock seats off of a fellow member for my daily and shorter rides. The Russell is reserved for 250+ mile trips.

I use a Cortech sport tail bag on my rear seat with the bungees secured under the seat pan. Works great and the dealer I bought it from thought it was such a great idea, he brought the sales staff out to show them so they'd have one more "selling point" for the bag itself. I got the idea from another member who posted pics.

Germany, That sounds about right on the bag idea. Maybe I can do that instead of running different seat pans. Thanks for the idea. I'm hoping for more mileage on the russell than you get though. I haven't seen anyone selling used seats but it would be cheaper if I can.

I'm considering getting a russell seat for trips and converting the rear seat to a bag about like a tank bag. The wife will never tour with me. Because I like hanging off when cornering hard I'd still like to have a stock front seat for shorter trips. A stock rear for the wife would be good around town. Has anyone ever thought of this or done it? Searches say I may be the first. It seems like a good if expensive idea to me. Any thoughts??Stan C.

I have a Rick Mayer (front) seat - with the pillon seat recovered to match, but not otherwise modified - the wings do not interfere with hanging off in corners (squishy foam). Big advantage is you can ride comfortably for long distances to get to new-to-you twisties, go play hard, and ride comfortably home.

Sorry, no input on your pillon bag idea - seems reasonable except for having to hike your leg up over the thing when mounting/dismounting.


Well, that info is really good news. If I can hang off the Russell, and a bag can be strapped to the rear seat, then I don't need to buy the second seat. Thanks for the info guys.

Stan C.

Well, that info is really good news. If I can hang off the Russell, and a bag can be strapped to the rear seat, then I don't need to buy the second seat. Thanks for the info guys.Stan C.

I don't think you were hearing what I was trying to say. I have a Rick Mayer seat, NOT a Russell, and am able to hang off. I think the wings on a Russell are made of stiffer material and are positioned higher than on the RM and therefore DO interfere with hanging off (but are possibly more comfortable for the long-haul because the wings provide more support).

My bike was purchased used with a Russell Day Long with the heat option. You have to be of the same physical dimensions of the person selling the seat or it may not work out for you.The guy I bought the bike from was 35-50lbs heavier than me so I'm still trying to get used to it (2,000 miles since I bought it) but it looks like I will be sending it back to Russell and let them rework the seat. I'm currently only able to ride about 100-150 miles before having to get off of it. I hope it works.
