Anybody Use a Caberg Helmet

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I'm looking for anything quieter than my trusty old HJC flip face. Anybody tried a Caberg and whaddaya think?
I have both, and the caberg is the helmet of choice for anything other that a short trip.

If you decide on the Caberg, be sure to find the chin curtain before you throw the box away.

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I'm looking for anything quieter than my trusty old HJC flip face. Anybody tried a Caberg and whaddaya think?
I have both, and the caberg is the helmet of choice for anything other that a short trip.

If you decide on the Caberg, be sure to find the chin curtain before you throw the box away.
I've used my Justissimo for over a year now, and it's the most comfortable helmet I've worn. I have a VERY round head, and it fits great.

My wife has one as well, and is very comfortable in it.

Airboss, I wondered what that thingy was - a 'chin curtain'? I could not find anything in the italian instruction manual about it - I figured it was used when converted to the Jet configuration. What do you do with it?

When I was doing my research for a new helmet I strongly considered that helmet. I loved the idea of not having to change visors. I remember reading somewhere or heard here that the helmet didnt do well in the rain. Maybe ask around about just goin off of my memory...which isnt great.

I'm looking for anything quieter than my trusty old HJC flip face. Anybody tried a Caberg and whaddaya think?
I have both, and the caberg is the helmet of choice for anything other that a short trip.

If you decide on the Caberg, be sure to find the chin curtain before you throw the box away.
I've used my Justissimo for over a year now, and it's the most comfortable helmet I've worn. I have a VERY round head, and it fits great.

My wife has one as well, and is very comfortable in it.

Airboss, I wondered what that thingy was - a 'chin curtain'? I could not find anything in the italian instruction manual about it - I figured it was used when converted to the Jet configuration. What do you do with it?
Chin curtain keeps air/noise from coming in under the chin bar. It slides into the groove inside the bottom of the chin bar.

I tried Hal's lid and was mightily impressed. Then I got to thinking (never a good thing with me) about the extra maintenance and complexity of the dual shield systems. Decided to pass for the MultiTech (why do I always picture/hear Mila Jovovich, in her part in the Fifth Element, when I hear that model name?) which should be here shortly...

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I was an early adopter of the Caberg Justissimo hoping it would be a less expensive alternative to the Schuberth Concept. I strongly caution you to get some serious head time with the helmet before you commit to buy if at all possible. I found it to be very uncomfortable after 1/2 an hour or so. The problem is the ears. The Caberg cheekpads interface with the rest of the shell lining right at the top of your ear. This junction was very uncomfortable on my ears after a while.

Also, noise level on the Caberg is on the high side compared to the Shuberth C1, C2 and a couple of different Arai models I own.

I tried Hal's lid and was mightily impressed. Then I got to thinking (never a good thing with me) about the extra maintenance and complexity of the dual shield systems. Decided to pass for the MultiTech (why do I always picture/hear Mila Jovovich, in her part in the Fifth Element, when I hear that model name?) which should be here shortly...

Because she says "Multi-Pass" so cutely in the scene where they are at the "airport"....


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Decided to pass for the MultiTech (why do I always picture/hear Mila Jovovich, in her part in the Fifth Element, when I hear that model name?) which should be here shortly...
[SIZE=12pt]Seno-apta-gammach![/SIZE] how I'd like to have gammach. :dribble:

Because she says "Multi-Pass" so cutely in the scene where they are at the "airport"....
I have no hope for some of you guys... :rolleyes:

[SIZE=12pt]Seno-apta-gammach![/SIZE] how I'd like to have gammach. :dribble:
Someone is more fixated than me! And I'll see your gammach and raise you a "chi-cken... good." :p

Because she says "Multi-Pass" so cutely in the scene where they are at the "airport"....
I have no hope for some of you guys... :rolleyes:

[SIZE=12pt]Seno-apta-gammach![/SIZE] how I'd like to have gammach. :dribble:
Someone is more fixated than me! And I'll see your gammach and raise you a "chi-cken... good." :p

Oh no, your not the only one. One of my favorite movies, and it aint because of the thought provocative plot either.

I was an early adopter of the Caberg Justissimo hoping it would be a less expensive alternative to the Schuberth Concept. I strongly caution you to get some serious head time with the helmet before you commit to buy if at all possible. I found it to be very uncomfortable after 1/2 an hour or so. The problem is the ears. The Caberg cheekpads interface with the rest of the shell lining right at the top of your ear. This junction was very uncomfortable on my ears after a while.
Also, noise level on the Caberg is on the high side compared to the Shuberth C1, C2 and a couple of different Arai models I own.
+1 on trying before you buy. I was looking really hard at one ( the C2 just didn't fit)and finally found it at the ATL show. I did not like the fit on the ears. It had a stitch pattern that ran across the canal that I found irritating. bought the Scorpion instead.

I Have one. I love the built in sun visor, I find the helmet comfortable, but I find it noisy. Venting could also be better.

I came from a flip up HJC, and like the Caberg better, but just barely. They are good helmets for the price, but not the best there is.

I think next time I am going to stay away from flip ups.

Thanks to all for the inputs. Finally found a Caberg to try on at the (gasp) BMW shop, and it won't work. The chin bar presses uncomfortably tight against my chin. My Arai Signet does the same thing to a lesser degree but it wasn't miserable. The Caberg just hurt.

Now looking for a Nolan N102 to try on, but nobody local has a XL in stock.

The quest continues!

Oval head here and like you, I didn't like the chin bar pressed against my chin. Wore it anyway and got used to it. :dribble:

Good - VERY convenient for daily commuting. No need to worry about changing visors. Servicing the visors was a snap. Only had to seriously clean the lining once and I don't remember it being much of a hassle. Just remember that Fabreze is your friend.

Bad - Vinyl chinstrap cover started cracking from the desert heat after three months use. A tad bit noisier than my KBC TK-8 full-face. Sun visor ain't much help when the sun is low in the sky (of course, wear your sunglasses in combination with the sun visor and it's like wearing a welding mask.) Top vent cover had a habit of getting pushed open crooked. Luckily it was a simple matter of popping it off and re-seating it after the ride. As mentioned, ventilation was so-so.

I used it for little over a year on a daily basis until the cracked chinstrap cover completely fell apart. I then covered the strap with some old t-shirt material and relegated it to spare helmet duty. Ever since the infamous "helmet drop heard round the world" incident, it's been slated for destruction. <sigh>


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