Anyone have a russell day-long for 06 yet?

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May 16, 2006
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Has anyone bought a day-long seat from russell for their 06 yet? If so, how do you like it? and does the adjustable seat height still work well?

Interesting question..

Will ANY of the aftermarket seats work with the adjustment gizmo?

Guess it doesn't really matter once you set up for *your* preference..

Since Russell uses the stock seat pan as the base, I see no reason why their seat would not work on the 06 FJR or any other bike for that matter.

Since Russell uses the stock seat pan as the base, I see no reason why their seat would not work on the 06 FJR or any other bike for that matter.
Do you know of anyone who might have a 06 factory seat they are willing to sell?

Russel thinks that if they get a factory seat pan, they can perhaps STILL have some adjustability. I'd sure like to get one for my '06, but they haven't SEEN an '06 yet.

Having said that, Petey was describing the factory seat on his '06. It looked pretty slim to me and very low compared to the hacked seat on my '04. He described the '06 as wide-ish at the front and that makes it difficult for those of us who are inseam challenged to get our legs down. I didn't sit on it, so I can't say for sure how it sits me.

The gist of that was...wondering if the Russell could be made narrow and low enough in the front so that I could get a foot down, and still have that nice John Deer bucket for LD. I called and asked them about it, and since they haven't seen the bike, they can't say for sure.

Anyone plan to send in an '06 pan yet?

Ok, just talked to them (Russell). They are BOOKED until early AUGUST. They have 2 FJR's scheduled for a ride in during that time, and neither is listed as an '06.

RUSSELL NEEDS TO SEE AN '06 FJR1300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm trying to get a pan to them. Alas, I won't get the seat until AFTER RENO. BUMMER.

Waiting to see if Gary McCoy can get one and ship it direct to Russell. Hurry up and wait.

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I think if Russel uses a factory seat pan, you can probably get great results, and perhaps STILL have some adjustability. I'd sure like to get one for my '06.
Having said that, Petey was describing the factory seat. It looked pretty slim to me and very low compared to the hacked seat on my '04. He described the '06 as wide at the front and that makes it difficult for those of us who are inseam challenged to get our legs down. I didn't sit on it, so I can't say for sure how it sits me.

The gist of that was...wondering if the Russel could be made narrow and low enough in the front so that I could get a foot down, and still have that nice John Deer bucket for LD.

Anyone sent in an '06 pan yet? Wonder if I could get one from GM and have one made IN ADVANCE???
I was hoping someone had a factory seat for sale, so I could buy it and send it in to russel and still have my seat so I can continue to ride.

Russel thinks that if they get a factory seat pan, they can perhaps STILL have some adjustability. I'd sure like to get one for my '06, but they haven't SEEN an '06 yet.
Having said that, Petey was describing the factory seat on his '06. It looked pretty slim to me and very low compared to the hacked seat on my '04. He described the '06 as wide-ish at the front and that makes it difficult for those of us who are inseam challenged to get our legs down. I didn't sit on it, so I can't say for sure how it sits me.

The gist of that was...wondering if the Russell could be made narrow and low enough in the front so that I could get a foot down, and still have that nice John Deer bucket for LD. I called and asked them about it, and since they haven't seen the bike, they can't say for sure.

Anyone plan to send in an '06 pan yet?

Ok, just talked to them (Russell). They are BOOKED until early AUGUST. They have 2 FJR's scheduled for a ride in during that time, and neither is listed as an '06.

RUSSELL NEEDS TO SEE AN '06 FJR1300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm trying to get a pan to them. Alas, I won't get the seat until AFTER RENO. BUMMER.

Waiting to see if Gary McCoy can get one and ship it direct to Russell. Hurry up and wait.

i am sending my pan on july the 10th for a build date on july the 14th. can't hardly wait!


Uh.. randy? Is your FJR an '06????????????????????

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Russel thinks that if they get a factory seat pan, they can perhaps STILL have some adjustability. I'd sure like to get one for my '06, but they haven't SEEN an '06 yet.
Having said that, Petey was describing the factory seat on his '06. It looked pretty slim to me and very low compared to the hacked seat on my '04. He described the '06 as wide-ish at the front and that makes it difficult for those of us who are inseam challenged to get our legs down. I didn't sit on it, so I can't say for sure how it sits me.

The gist of that was...wondering if the Russell could be made narrow and low enough in the front so that I could get a foot down, and still have that nice John Deer bucket for LD. I called and asked them about it, and since they haven't seen the bike, they can't say for sure.

Anyone plan to send in an '06 pan yet?

Ok, just talked to them (Russell). They are BOOKED until early AUGUST. They have 2 FJR's scheduled for a ride in during that time, and neither is listed as an '06.

RUSSELL NEEDS TO SEE AN '06 FJR1300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm trying to get a pan to them. Alas, I won't get the seat until AFTER RENO. BUMMER.

Waiting to see if Gary McCoy can get one and ship it direct to Russell. Hurry up and wait.
I've got a ride-in appointment on May23 for my '06. I'm some what inseam challenged myself so I also will be looking to ease my reach to the ground but I don't want to add to the amount that my knees bend. So I'll be working on some of the same issues. I'll take some pics and report back but that my not be until I get home from Hyder.

Thanks Rick. Good luck with your Day Long. Let us know how it goes and how you like the seat.

Gary McCoy can get the front seat for $117, and the pillion saddle is $108, and Gary says both are available from Yammy. Doesn't look like I'm going to get a chance to go to the shop in person, so I'm going to send in my seats to have them covered.

So what's the consensus.... vinyl or leather??? I'm leaning toward good old vinyl with small squares for being out in the rain and elements with less worry.

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