Appalachian Mtns Day 2

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2006
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North Georgia

"I've got to get back there" I thought as I got out of bed. Referring to the area I spent riding in the dark last night. I knew I wouldn't be able to ride all of route 33 that I had missed so I took 33 to 220 south. All smiles as I climbed up and over 33 all by myself again except for the occasional car coming the other way and no motorcycles again today (amazing).



I remember flying up over the mtns through the switchbacks thinking "I

can't believe how perfect the roads are for riding and that there is nothing out here except mtns, twisty roads, farms and the occasional small town.


That's just what I was thinking as I came flying around the top of the mtns doing at least 20 over and spotted the state patrol barracks to my right. What the heck??? in the middle of nowhere, better keep an eye open and speed wisely.

I took 220 to 250 west to 42 south to 39 west and then had the GPS direct me to lucnh in Warm Springs where I stopped for lunch at a great little cafe where the special was a fried bologna sandwich. The meat was and inch thick and served on homemade thick toasted bread with lettuce, tomato and fries made from fresh sliced potatoes with the skin still on. The iced tea was to die for. The best $5.99 I spent on the trip.

Everybody in there knew everybody, the family next to me had 3 children and the mom yelled across the cafe to another family seated at the window "hey can Tommy come sit with you all? I love small towns.


I remembered reading in RoadRunner magazine in the issue with Lexington, VA where they stayed and did the 4 day ("Shamrock") tour from Natural Bridge, VA. They mentioned riding 39, 92 then to 311 which they said was a great twisty road.


I headed over that way. It seems I would end day two as I did day one, very tired. Only this time

throw in a awful road! what were they thinking?

Stay away from 311 unless you're on a dualsport. It goes through the woods along a bumpy, choppy, crusty, God awful road for wayyyy tooooo long before you are blessed with the reward of civilization and smooth paved roads.

I'm now reallllllly tired having only slept 5 hrs each of the last 3

nights. Its raining now too so I throw on my rain gear uncheck "highway" from list of roads for the GPS to avoid and head for 81 south for a short jaunt to motel 6 in Wytheville, VA. Its 4pm, I'm wet, tired but loving it. Riding all day in the clear and ending wet and tired seems to be my theme for this trip.

I take a nice hot shower then lay down for a 4 hr nap. I wake up thinking I'm dead I slept so hard but feel so good. I throw on my rain gear, hop on the FJR and ask the Zumo where to go for dinner.

I'm back in bed at 11pm and sleep like a rock until 7am.




Its Sat. morning, I had planned to ride today and Sun. and head back to north GA but the

forecast is once again calling for rain except this time the Doppler indicates rain for the day where I am. I decide to play it by ear but expext I'll likely go home...

Day 3 next.

Previous thread for Day1 ride here: Clicky


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Ah-haaa, riding in the part of the riding playground that I usually play in. 311 was in bad shape? Wow, I rode it about a year ago & it was in good shape. Possibly, the winter months took a toll on it?

Did you go through Goshen Pass while on 39? If not, someone should've mentioned it to you

Ah-haaa, riding in the part of the riding playground that I usually play in. 311 was in bad shape? Wow, I rode it about a year ago & it was in good shape. Possibly, the winter months took a toll on it?
Did you go through Goshen Pass while on 39? If not, someone should've mentioned it to you
Yeah, it was all pot holes, some patched-some not. Maybe I got led astray by the GPS or my own fatigue. I couldn't believe RoadRunner (or any other sane person) would recommend this road. It lasted wayyy to long especially at the end of a long day. Maybe I only started on 311 after lunch and then got off the beaten path????

Oh well still a great ride and I had to have one blooper per day!



Except for the two 15mph turns on the Sweet Springs (west) side of Peters Mtn, 311 was in good shape as of this past Sun evening. So good that I rode it both directions even though that was not the original plan. Potts Mtn (between Paint Bank and New Castle) just had a fresh coat of asphalt last fall and is near flawless on both sides and begs to be ridden ofter. Are you sure Mr. Zumo had you on the right track?

Nevertheless, I'm glad you enjoyed my backyard both north and south.


P.S. I'm riding 219N from Lewisburg to Cumberland Thurs after work. Wanna go again!?

Steve,Except for the two 15mph turns on the Sweet Springs (west) side of Peters Mtn, 311 was in good shape as of this past Sun evening. So good that I rode it both directions even though that was not the original plan. Potts Mtn (between Paint Bank and New Castle) just had a fresh coat of asphalt last fall and is near flawless on both sides and begs to be ridden ofter. Are you sure Mr. Zumo had you on the right track?

Nevertheless, I'm glad you enjoyed my backyard both north and south.


P.S. I'm riding 219N from Lewisburg to Cumberland Thurs after work. Wanna go again!?

I'm really thinking I drifted from 311 that day and ended up in the boonies.

I'd love to join you Thursday but have to pay the bills this week!

Maybe next time.

Have fun, sure is good riding up there.

