Are there commercial front stands that work with Gen2 FJRs?

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2008
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San Diego, CA
I'll need to remove the front wheel in a month or so. I know most people advocate using a jack with a wooden board over it (or something more elaborate crafted from wood) along with the center-stand, but that doesn't look very stable to me, and I believe you still need a second person to lift the fork legs to get jackstands under them, and I do maintenance alone.

Pitbull does not make a front stand that works with Gen2 FJRs according to their website, but does anyone know if there's any off-the-shelf front stand that does? A proper front stand is easy to use and very stable so I'd prefer that and don't mind spending money.


For changing the front tire only, nothing beats a Pit Bull stand.

What Pit Bull is referring to on their web site is the stand that allows fork removal... it is true you can not use their typical front stand that allows fork removal, because the center of the FJR's triple tree is solid (and has been this way on *all* FJRs, whether Gen I or Gen II), not hollow like it is on many bikes. Thus, the large "adapter pin" has no recess to receive the pin.


In this case, you either go the scissors-jack and wood block method, or, you can fabricate your own, like this:

FJRTech: Make your own front stand

I always do my work alone myself, so here's how I remove the *forks* on the FJR:

1) Pre-loosen all germane fasteners, bolts, etc associated with front wheel removal

2) place a 2x4 under the two legs of the centerstand, and place the bike up on it (the obviously takes more effort than normal here).

3) place your wood block on the flat portion of the header tubes (immediately after they bend 90 degrees and head aft)

4) place the scissors jack in the center of this wood block, and slowly, carefully raise the jack until the tire is off the ground

5) remove the wheel, and the forks after that.

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I have owned front and rear track stands for other bikes that didn't have a center stand. On the FJR I just use the center stand and an automotive floor jack with a piece of wood across the header pipes. I think the jack and wood is more stable than a simple fork stand (like the one Warchild showed). For really vigorous work, like fork removal, etc. the overhead support gantry would be the way to go.

When you jack it up you want to raise the front until the back tire touches down firmly. That gives you 4 points of contact (including the jack). Don't jack too far or you'll take some of the desirable load off the center stand. Truly anal retentives may want to loop a strap around the center stand and cinch it forward so it can not collapse. Done this way, it doesn't feel unstable in the least to me.

Save your money for farkles for the bike, and tires. Lots and lots of of tires... ;)

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For changing the front tire only, nothing beats a Pit Bull stand.

What Pit Bull is referring to on their web site is the stand that allows fork removal... it is true you can not use their typical front stand that allows fork removal, because the center of the FJR's triple tree is solid (and has been this way on *all* FJRs, whether Gen I or Gen II), not hollow like it is on many bikes. Thus, the large "adapter pin" has no recess to receive the pin.
Nope; here's proof. They explicitly single out Gen-II FJRs as being incompatible with the stand you've pictured.

I guess I'll just get a jack. So it should be raised just enough that the back tire lightly touches the ground but doesn't support much weight? This would prevent me from removing both wheels at the same time but that's not a big deal, especially since this is a heavy bike and I don't mind taking things slow to prevent disaster.

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We have a Handy Industries, LLC front stand #13002M, that we use on our 2005's. See link

I see that they now offer an adjustable one, in case the center to center hole on the bottom of the forks is different from the fixed one.

We find this stand to work very well, even if you do put a 1" block under the center stand to aid in the removal of the rear wheel.

From this photo below, it looks like Yamaha has moved the location of the ABS sensor a good bit lower than on Gen I ABS bikes (which is featured in that photo above). That would definitely stop the use of the classic Pit Bull stand here. Pity. Makes me appreciate the Gen I's more. ;)


The holes on the bottom of the forks suggest it would take a Handy or Redline stand just fine, though. Here's a pic of the Redline stand:


Or, just go with the wood block method and be done with it.

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Although I haven't had the FJR long enough to need to elevate it for anything, my usual strategy for elevating a bike, especially one without a center stand, is to hook it up, front and rear, to a pair of come-a-longs mounted through the ceiling over my work area. The FJR is a bit lighter than my ST1100 was, and it was possible to hook up a secure harness front and rear on that bike easy enough. If you've got two come-a-longs, you don't have to use them both if you just need one end or the other "up."

I started doing this when bikes were lighter.... but the ST1100 weighed 700 pounds, and it worked quite well.

If all I wanted to do was a tire change, I'd probably not bother with the comealongs and instead would use the center stand and a block. That's just about free.

I've been using one of these: Clicky for about 6 months (3 tire swaps) with no problems. It clears the ABS sensor by more than an inch.

Also, you can't beat that price!

I've been using one of these: Clicky for about 6 months (3 tire swaps) with no problems. It clears the ABS sensor by more than an inch.Also, you can't beat that price!
Well OK then, you have the same bike as me so I guess that settles that. And yeah, that price is really cheap even with shipping taken into account.

I'll need to remove the front wheel in a month or so. I know most people advocate using a jack with a wooden board over it (or something more elaborate crafted from wood) along with the center-stand, but that doesn't look very stable to me, and I believe you still need a second person to lift the fork legs to get jackstands under them, and I do maintenance alone.
Pitbull does not make a front stand that works with Gen2 FJRs according to their website, but does anyone know if there's any off-the-shelf front stand that does? A proper front stand is easy to use and very stable so I'd prefer that and don't mind spending money.
For about $50 I copied (i believe it's Warchild's creation) This Front End lift. Scroll about 1/3 down the page to see the home made lift.

Has worked great and is easy to hang out of the way on a wall.

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