Autocom AVI Pro Install - Cell Phone interference

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Apr 8, 2006
Reaction score
Torrance, CA 90505

I received my autocom AVI pro system with great joy and anticipation about 4 weeks ago :yahoo: . Checked it out just and the manual suggested and did the final install onto the bike this weekend. However, I have one very annoying issue that I've not been able to resolve and Autocom tech support has not yet provided me a working solution to yet :blink: .

Here is the problem. When I connect a cell phone to the system and try to take or receive calls, I get a great deal of RF interference from the phone. I'm connecting by hardwire at this point as I don't have my Zumo yet but the RF is there even when the phone is not connected to the system (i.e. I take a call in close proximity to the bike / system.

This is type of RF you would expect if you put your phone next to a speaker when you are using it.

Autocom suggested shielding the Autocom unit and I have tried some simple shielding with no improvement. I'm not sure that the RF is actually coming through the Autocom box at this point. It may in fact be coming through the speaker set in the helmet.

Is anyone successfully using a cell phone with one of these units?

Any insights you may have would be appreciated.


Yep, I can use my cheap-assed Kyocera phone just fine with (or nearby) the autocom. As long as I don't have it plugged into the bike's power outlet. It sits in my AE's glove box plugged into Aux 1 with the "motorola single pin" cord. Really works quite well. Now if I try to keep the phone on the charger, forget it. Ground loop interference is a big problem.

So it has interference whether or not you plug directly to the phone or not? Standing off the side of the bike using your phone next to your ear as you would normally, and the phone isn't connected to anything at all? What else is farkled on your bike?

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Yep, I can use my cheap-assed Kyocera phone just fine with (or nearby) the autocom. As long as I don't have it plugged into the bike's power outlet. It sits in my AE's glove box plugged into Aux 1 with the "motorola single pin" cord. Really works quite well. Now if I try to keep the phone on the charger, forget it. Ground loop interference is a big problem.
So it has interference whether or not you plug directly to the phone or not? Standing off the side of the bike using your phone next to your ear as you would normally, and the phone isn't connected to anything at all? What else is farkled on your bike?

I'm using a Blackberry 8700.

I'm not powering the unit off the bike, it is running on battery. The interference is present connected or not depending on proximity to the headset or com box. However, the main issue is when it is connected. I have tested it and it works as it should when connected to the autocom unit except for the hug amount of noise induced by the phone.


I have my PDA phone connected to my Active-7 without problems. I had some alternator whine present when plugged in but since I added a ground loop isolator, that problem is buh-bye. I had to make a custom cable for it, too, to split the microphone and stereo audio to the two respective jacks on the Autocomm.


Blackberry's are terrible about spitting out all kinds of rf noise and garbage. I can always tell when mines gonna ring because the radio in my work vans starts making funny noises.

Is anyone successfully using a cell phone with one of these units?

Any insights you may have would be appreciated.


I am using my mobile phone which is wired into the phone skt on my Pro-M1. The phone is under the seat next to the Autocom unit, not connected to power in order to avoid any ground loops. The only interference I get is a low volume interference now and again from passing from one cell to another, when the phone is obviously transmitting an ident signal.

Bearing in mind that I am on GSM in Europe...

Source of noise

Slightly less technical version

It's interference at 217 Hz... You would have to shield every piece of wire from that frequency that is connected to your com system as well as the com system itself. According to the second link, the fix is going to be a new amplifier design that has the shielding built in. So instead of just changing the cell phone operation, they want every other audio device to change.

Basically, no fix unless you move away from Tmobile or Cingular/AT&T to Verizon or Sprint.

I have an Autocom and an older Nokia phone and all works well, setup the phone to do auto answer and I take calls during the ride. Getting the volume control adjusted right was the challenge (had to set it down a lot), having the passenger in the conversation is a bit disconserting the first few times as the phone just answers and you suddenly have 2 people talking to you. I did need to purchase the correct cable to hook the phone in but after that no problem with the phone. I do not try to charge the phone. I do get a little feedback noise all the time in the headsets though, still looking for that solution.
