B2B in 24

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Slab Pig

Active member
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Staged in Yuma, AZ, Friday afternoon. Got about 3 hours sleep. Bummer.

Got up at 5:30am PT, Sat. Crew of three left all bags with the witness in the parking lot of the casino about a mile north of the border.

Crossed the border into Mexico. Filled at the PEMEX there. Got the time stamp. Time stamp stated 10 something although it was actually around 7:40 PT.

Crossed into California from Algodones, Mexico, at 8am PT on the nose on Sat, 06/26. Got our bags and off we shot.

US 95 to LV, then I-15 all the way to Coutts, Canada.

One rider dropped out at Idaho Falls. I and another rode on.

Arrived at the border around 7:50am PT, 06/27. Waited for what seemed to be an hour to get my turn to go through the gate.

Raced to the duty free shop in Coutts. No clerk. Find clerk in store. Bring her to the front. Grab a map to purchase something, anything.


B2B in 24 denied!!!!

Oh well. Maybe next time.

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Man that sux about shop delaying your timestamp...might be worth finding out if you'd still get credit considering you crossed the border in 24 hours. Nice ride anyway.

I was going to attempt the same later this summer, but going to have to put it off until next year due to other committments.

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Sometimes the IBA will allow the ride if you talk with Mike Kneebone about the circumstances especially when it was so close.


You still have a valid Border to Border ride, just not a Border to Border Insanity ride. Well done! Sucks that you were so close, but turn it in anyway.

From the IBA web site:

The Border to Border is a ride from Canada to Mexico (or Mexico to Canada) that is completed in less than 36 hours. Rides that are completed in 24 hours or less are listed as finishers of Border to Border Insanity.

I may have misunderstood but if your start receipt in Mexico wasn't the correct time you were screwed right there and should have searched out a correct time stamped receipt.

But you said you crossed the border at 0800 sharp, did you get some sort of documentation of that time? If not that wasn't your start time it's what ever the receipt from the Pemex said. Which I gather was "10 something" if that was your documented start time and your documented finish time was 8:04AM you made it. Except that would be cheating and your not a cheater.

Correct documentation of start and stop times are critical all the stuff in between can be off by even hours and not effect the completion of the ride.

edit: Oops he beat me to it..^^^

I'm thinkin' OK, if'n yer in Canada, an gotta ride home anyway...


I think I might have tried again but southbound this time. But that's just me...



If you pass through Sacramento, I'll certify it's whatever damn time you want me to say it is. That help?
;) :lol: :p

Congrats on the ride anyhow! Be interested in a ride report if you get a chance.

This ride is on my "To Do" list next year. Come over west on a 50CC then stage

and rest for a B2B2B. Be interested in any other riders wanting to do the same.

OBTW.... OM whats up with the FNG? Did you go around to start over? :lol:

Climbing out of Butte, MT and crossing the Beaverhead National Forest in the very early morning hours was awesome. Stopping in Mesquite, NV in the early afternoon sucked due to the heat. Overall it was a great ride and did not even bother me that we missed it by a few minutes. We'll get 'em next time.

One rider dropped out at Idaho Falls. I and another rode on.
Seems like the worst place to quit--it's the autobahn from here north on I-15 :)
You are right about I-15 being like the autobahn north of Salt Lake City, but rider #3 made the right choice, he was starting to fall asleep (and will end up with the same B2B certification that we'll get :)

Can't wait to do it again . . . Chris
