Bar-end weights

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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
Anyone seen these?

They look fairly cool, they are perhaps the heaviest at 16 oz I have seen so far, and the price is reasonable.

Manic Salamander

Bounce back!


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Don't expect the bar end weights to make much difference, no matter how heavy they are, if what you're trying to do is eliminate the micro vibration inherent in the FJR. I put on R-1 12.3 ounce bar end weights and found that the bar end weights were the LEAST effective mod I tried. I finally got rid of about 98% of the vibration by doing a number of different mods (laid out elsewhere in posts on this Forum) but the bar end weights were the least effective mod.

Lee in the Mountains of Northern California B)

I got mine from Manic Salamander last week and put them on right away. I've got about 250 miles on my bike with them so far and can tell a huge difference. I got the black powder coat which looks good on my '05 (blue). There is still the slight buzz adressed above, but the difference is very noticeable. I previously had a numb right hand after 30-45 mins (of riding!), now it doesn't get numb even with stock grips. I haven't tried another brand, but I can recommend these.

I just put on a set of AF1 bar ends at the same time as my Moko's and they seem to work as advertised. About 12 oz. per side and they look good as well! click here

Hehe, I would get em just for the name. Manic Salamander! LOL, between that and Moko Slider and FARKLE for that matter we'll need a whole new dictionary for modifications.

I went with the Top Gun bar ends. A high-quality and attractively produced product.....that was not worth buying. This was, without doubt, the least effective farkle I have added. Not to knock Top Gun; I feel this way about all bar ends.

If you are out to dress up your bike and don't mind the cost, get some bar ends. If your main goal is to deal with bar vibration, save your money and look to other means of dealing with the doing a real good throttle body snyc and getting some good gel-padded gloves.

I just installed a set of Busa bar ends ,, direct bolt on ,, $36 black stock ,,
Yeah, they look like this.

I got mine from Manic Salamander last week and put them on right away. I've got about 250 miles on my bike with them so far and can tell a huge difference. I got the black powder coat which looks good on my '05 (blue). There is still the slight buzz adressed above, but the difference is very noticeable. I previously had a numb right hand after 30-45 mins (of riding!), now it doesn't get numb even with stock grips. I haven't tried another brand, but I can recommend these.
I have put another 500 miles on my bike with these and I really like them. They help quite a bit with eliminating/reducing the vibes.

I did order these bar ends from Manic Salamander (link above). They are absolutely heaven in a bottle. They work well (being 1-lb each, they are the heaviest I could find) and reduce vibration significantly. Also, they fit nicely and with the polish and the "dragonfly" shape, aren't too long and look tits-hot:


In fact, a cool, purposely designed-in feature (according to the manufacturer) is that the throttle side removes the side to side play. Vey cool.

I HIGHLY recommend these. The price can't be beat, delivery was good. The company response was good, too. They even offer a guarantee: if you are not satisfied, you can return them. Needless to say, I am keeping mine.


Put my vote in favor of bar ends. I had the Top Gun ends but lost one so I went back to stock. That buzz that I get in my hands after a couple hours riding came right back with the stock ends. Just haven't plunked down the cash for a new set but now that I've seen these I'm glad I didn't. New item for the Xmas list!!

Don't expect the bar end weights to make much difference, no matter how heavy they are, if what you're trying to do is eliminate the micro vibration inherent in the FJR.
Having the BJ bar weights, BMW hand guards and oem bar weights has cured the vibs for me :)
