Bar End Weights

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, FL

Up until now I thought that the >>Top Gun<< bar end weights were the only ones available for the FJR. I came across these ones on the web: >>MANIC Salamander<<; they seem to be better than the Top Gun from FJRGoodies.

They both have the same price, but the MS are heavier and more color options. Has anyone tried them yet?

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Me thinks the black Salamander's would make a good FJR stocking stuffer! :D

I'm seriously considering a set of these also. Not sure on what finish to get to go with the '03. I'm leaning towards the black ones all the same...


Installed Manic Salamander bar end 16-oz weights this morning, went for a 3 hour ride. Didn't really notice a difference, but vibes were not real bad in the first place. Guess I need to swap them back and forth a few times to tell for sure, easy enough to do, but I don't think it made a significant change.

I'm somewhat perplexed when I read where bar ends, by any manufacturer, have helped with bar vibes. I've tried three different makes and honestly can't tell that any of them make an appreciable difference. I think they are a nice decorative addition but, otherwise, are useless.

I'm somewhat perplexed when I read where bar ends, by any manufacturer, have helped with bar vibes. I've tried three different makes and honestly can't tell that any of them make an appreciable difference. I think they are a nice decorative addition but, otherwise, are useless.
Interesting point. Maybe part of it depends on how bad the issue was in the first place? In my case, the vibes were there but not really bothersome. Maybe if they had been worse to begin with I might have seem more of an improvement, a motorcycle example of the Law of Initial Values. Could be also that there are a lot of placebo farkles. Without objective measurements it is hard to make much sense out of it. I can't see how some people have not seen an improvement in windshield performance with the Saeng Ta Microswirl edging when it clearly seems so much better to me. Go figure!

As I showed in this post, I added these weights.

They made a significant difference to me. I automatically found myself shifting at higher RPMs because the reduced vibs didn't "remind" me to shift anymore.

It is possible I had primary or secondary vibrations that you don't have, and that is why it made a difference for me. I also love the way these look without being overly long.


I'm sorry to hear that you didn't notice too much in the way of improvement in bar vibes. I still am very pleased with my choice of the Manic Salamanders (black powdercoat). I have also replaced the stock grips with a set of Progel Grips and put a set of Grip Puppies on over top of those (for the circumference as much as for vibes or any other reason). It looks nice. It doesn't look like a set of grips covered by a set of grip covers...looks like a set of large touring grips and the total cost for the grips and covers was about $18.00. I now can feel the vibes in my seat and foot pegs, but only the slightest hint of vibes in the grips. If the weights aren't helping though, I don't know if this mod would? I noticed an immediate and impressive improvement/reduction in vibes with the Manics. I am completely happy with my current solution to the vibes. My hands used to be numb after about 1/2 an hour.

