bar snake

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Probably won't work for you, since FJRs have clip-ons, not handle bars. You could try cutting the bar snake to the proper length for each clip-on, and see if it does anything. Or get the liquid stuff. A nice set of heavy bar end weights might do just as well for you, though.



My stable includes 2 Harley davidsons and they might benefit somwhat from the use of a barsnake, but my fjr is so smooth and sweet even at speeds I dare not admit to ever traveling on a public roadway that the need for such a device impractical . In all honesty I think you would get more economy and milage out of a great pair of gloves. I like the weighted bar ends the do take some of the buzz out of the bars. If you decide to test the product out I would be very interested to know if it does make a difference, and how noticable it really was. The design of the fjr clip on will allow about 6 to 9 inches of the product I wonder if that small amount of it would even make a difference at all? I have heard from Catfish about this isolation gel that is supposed to dampen vibration and I was thinking about trying it on my fatboy I wonder if it is made from the same stuff? Suposedly a very small amount 1" x say 6" attached to the bar will make a pretty big difference. But I never did get around to testing it out. I am very interested let me know hoe it goes.

I did this on past bikes....... Look up some standard Honda weights which are inside the 7/8" bars.... Goldwings too. They are all the same part numbers, two rubber ends, one metal weight, threaded for your bar ends. Optional metal clip to keep them from going inside too far (you don't need it). Push the assembly inside and you are done. Bar ends may rotate though. I forget the cost, something like $12 per side. Good addition to the stock bar end weights.

By coincidence today, I just got some Salamander bar ends and installed them. They weigh a ton (12 oz. I think). The kit came with two sets of bolts, and both are too short IMHO. Luckily, I had some extra bolts 75mm long. I just wanted more than 4 threads engaged!! The test comes tomorrow when I go through the ranges, to see if the buzzes and vibes go away.

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I had not heard about the honda weights and i too have wondered about the salamanders although i don't like the ones that are tapered.

as for the bar snake I shoot bow and arrow and the best componds now have a vibration damper in the riser and it works. Also i have put vibration dampers on my quiver and it decreases vibration and noise so i think bar snake may be worth a try,
