Best earplugs

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2005
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What are the most effective/most comfortable earplugs you've used? Website reference?



I just get the cheapy disposable orange ones (sometimes flesh color) from home depot or local drug store.

they do come in different "ratings" as measured in decibels, I think.

really helps with wind noise.

I ordered some Westone CR-1's. They should be here in a week or so. I'll give a review once I've used em for a bit.

What are the most effective/most comfortable earplugs you've used? Website reference?
This question is of special interest to me. I have had a heck of a time finding earplugs or in-ear speakers that meet the requirements that you set out. This is because my ear canals are 2 different sizes, the left one being particularly large. So if the earplugs are big enough to seal the left side they are too big for the right. Most standard foam plugs will not seal my left side.

I have tried almost every disposable, and a good number of non-disposable plugs on the market. I am fully aware that one can buy custom molded earplugs, but being a frugal Yankee, have not tried that route (yet).

I have had my best luck to date with the Howard Leight Max earplugs that you can usually find in local drug stores.


The bell shape at the large end allows them to seal my large ear canal (if I insert them far enough) and they attenuate very very well. Perhaps too much if you also use an intercom and music system as I do. Because I have to insert them so far to get to the large part, I have taken to clipping the rounded tips off of them, which makes them more comfortable with a small reduction in attenuation.

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I have to give my vote for custome ear molds.

I had the molds done by an audiologist for about 10 bucks and sent the molds to to have a set of Competition monitors made

they cost about 125 but I think they were worth it and they are custom

I use these:
I find them comfortable both for motorcycling and shooting. $20 for a couple hundred pairs makes it ok to lose them and share with others. The website also has lots of info on what seems to be all types of earplugs.


YES YES YES - I ordered this kit last year and if you're just looking to get your bearings on what you want this is a nice start. You get a couple pairs of different types, styles and sizes. So, you can find a larger one that you may like for one ear and a smaller one for the other.

I'm still kind of interested in the custom molded ones, but I'll tell ya that thanks to these I did find a specific plug that works great for me.


I just clicked on the link above and discovered it wasn't for the trial pack that I got. I recommend a variety trial pack so you can try a crapload of different ones. I bought the foam trial pack and found I really like the purple ones with the little yellow handles. Here's the link to the trial pack:

Foam Ear Plug Trial Packs

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I recommend a variety trial pack so you can try a crapload of different ones. I bought the foam trial pack and found I really like the purple ones with the little yellow handles. Here's the link to the trial pack:
Foam Ear Plug Trial Packs
That is a really good idea. Everyone has different wants / needs and ears. For $20 you can find the ones that suit you best.

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+1 on the Howard Leight MAX plugs.... used a bunch of different ones, and they work best for me. Bought a case of 'em (200+?) from a safety supply store and they are cheap and work really well.



I purchased the trial pack (small, medium, large pairs) of SilentEar reusable ear plugs ( and used them for commuting this spring. After 4 months of using them, I'm back to the standard disposable foam jobbies. SilentEars are nice because they are reusable and come in various shapes/sizes, but the large pair I was using kept "deflating." Every once in awhile the hollow interior of the plug would refuse to expand. It was very frustrating. The best noise reduction I've experienced has been with NRR 33 foam ear plugs.

Custom ear molds were the best hearing protection I ever bought. $85 at the audiologist's office and they are more comfortable than any of the dozen or so non-custom brands I tried.

We all have different ear canals (and in some cases lopsided from one side to the other - Hi Fred). Lots of guys at work like the orange countoured ones, but I can't get them to seal well in my ears. I've tried lots of different ones and the best I've found so far are these:

Conveniently, they are one of the types provided for me at work :yahoo:

But even the best plugs won't work if you don't insert them properly. The best method I've found is to reach over the top of my head and pull the opposite ear up and out while inserting the rolled ear plug. Release the ear while continuing to hold the plug in until it expands. The result is total quiet! I see people all the time with earplugs sticking way out of their ear and I gotta wonder how much noise reduction they're getting. <_<

I have used several over the last couple of years and I have found that these Moldex have worked the best for me. The others still left my ears ringing even after a 30 minute commute.

Custom ear molds were the best hearing protection I ever bought. $85 at the audiologist's office and they are more comfortable than any of the dozen or so non-custom brands I tried.

+1 on the customs. Any audiology clinic can make them for you. I would stay away from most hearing aid sellers as the ones around here wanted 100+ just to do the moulds. Our hearing clinic here associated with one of the health care giants wanted 65 or so. Best money I spent. Very comfortabe. I wear the at night to sleep since my wife.........nuff said. Mine came from, but they were at a MC show and could be done on the spot.

Get my vote also... the orange and other colored ones I tried hurt after an hour or so of riding... not so the

Hearos. Must be they are a bit softer, so you go to a new pair a bit more often, no biggie.

Have found them at pretty much any larger drug store also, so no need to order and wait or anything. Personally, wouldn't ride without them.

We all have different ear canals (and in some cases lopsided from one side to the other - Hi Fred). Lots of guys at work like the orange countoured ones, but I can't get them to seal well in my ears. I've tried lots of different ones and the best I've found so far are these:
I also went custom molded, but went with the Challenger model so they have the speakers. Nice for plugging in to the

Autocomm or straight in to the Sansa mp3 player on airplanes, trains, etc..... I wasn't brave enough to do the molds myself although they give you a kit for it. So, I went to a place that makes hearing aids and had them do them for me.
