Here I am at 2 am helping answer NEPRT questions. ....And I'm sober. :blink:
blurry vision, for answers to this and many other questions about your FJR, you can save time - and
some frustation and abuse - by searching the archives here.
And here's how my friend.
Go to Google.
Type in the subject of your wonder, followed by
An example = tires best
Then you grab a beer, and read for awhile. There really are very few subjects that haven't been
researched and written about. Everything from anus-shaving to Z-speed rated tires.
You can, of course, simply pose the questions as you have here this morning, and wait patiently
for an answer, but that puts you at the mercy of people who sometimes don't have your best interests
at heart.
After searching per these instructions, you can of course still come back here- now armed with tons of
inside information- and perhaps ask more specific questions or even share your observations with others.
I don't work here, and I'm normally not at all helpful in any way, but I just thought I'd give this a shot.
Welcome to the forum, good night, and we'll see you out on the road.
Unless you're actually Dr. Rich, or a troll, and you're just yanking my chain.