bike nickname

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just roy

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2008
Reaction score
Central Square, NY
when i told my wife i had given my bike a name she was surprised since i had never named any of the past bikes. when i told her the name "Black Betty" she was confused being a country music fan. so i showed her this video

after that she said "thats why i don't like to ride with you because i know how you would ride if i wasn't on the back". i told her we were both better off if she rode with me based on my past record of performance awards. 250 miles so far was sick and couldn't ride most of the weekend.
Okay, but I like

version best. (Even though the freak in the bandana looks like a total flamo)
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That RamJam video was like one of those Highlight's puzzles: How may flamos can you find hidden in this picture?

Not that there is anything wrong with being a flamo.

Thanks a lot dude, now I have had that tune playing over and over and over in my head all day.


Cerulean Silver. The color of flint, steel, sleet, fog and rain. The only name that fit: "Misty".

Jebus. What's next, International Male catalogs in the tank bag? Pedicures for the tires? Rainbow clad plate frames? Fruitcakes, all of you.

