Bikers for Christ - and one of my Eagle Scouts !!

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I'm confused - Just ask my Wife.
FJR Supporter
Oct 16, 2005
Reaction score
Orange, CA
I know - this has the word 'bikers' in it, as well as 'Christ' and 'Eagle Scout' -

But it's not political, religious, and it's really not about bikes.

So I put it in this category.

I received an email from Bobbie Guice, the mother of one of my Eagle Scouts. (Some of you on this forum may be aware I'm a retired Scoutmaster)

Her son, Kevin, has cerebal palsy. Kevin was 12 when he joined my troop - I had just stepped into the position of Scoutmaster, I was both humbled by this young man's presence - and unsure of how I would handle the situation.

It turned out that Kevin was just another kid - only he got around on wheels, and you had to watch your toes a lot.

Kevin has had a very difficult time of it - I won't tell you what he's gone through in his life, but I can assure you that my arthritis and the occasional case of monkey butt don't even compare. On those very, very, rare times he whined - believe me, he earned the right. Word.

Here's the email:

"Kevin was recently chosen by a "Christian Biker Club", "Bikers for Christ" (as in Harley Davidsons) as the recipient of their annual Bike Blessing fundraiser - the first link is to the story in the Oceanside, Cailfornia paper which came out the day after the event. The second link is the story written in our local paper which appeared in this morning's (Easter Sunday) O.C Register.

We are so richly blessed by these amazing men and women - "God works in mysterious ways"...

We can't wait to have our "Extreme Bathroom Makeover" - what a difference it will make for Kevin!

God bless - and happy Easter!


This is one time that I WILL AGREE that loud pipes save lives.

God Bless Em !!

Anyone interested in a 'RTB' - a 'Ride to Build'? I'll find out the particulars, and post them.

Let's go swing a hammer with these dudes.


I'd do it if I was in your part of the country....

Good on em!

Let's go swing a hammer with these dudes.
Thats what nail guns are for :D

I've donated time and material to Scouts looking to do their Eagle (being an Eagle myself) for Habitat for Humanity. In the next few weeks I will help a neighbors kid work on his Eagle.

Good on those guys!

I'd do it if I was in your part of the country....

Good on em!
+ 1

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Good on ya Hal. Pastor Fred Z is an old friend. He use to be in the Marysville area and pastored a Calvary Chapel church there. We use to hang out at the Hollister Rally when our group was there also. Wished I was down in your area to give them a hand but it sounds like they are well manned though with 100 plus doing the remodel. lol. Blessings, PM. <>< ;)
