I get quite a few requests for routes in the Black Hills. I decided to post my standby favorites that I usually take folks on here.
Sent 13 December 2018 - 06:54 PM
Check out post #1 and specifically Yamafitters routes.
Ride #1 My favorite ride in the hills is Spearfish South down through Spearfish Canyon, left on Highway 85 through Lead and Deadwood, Easy through Boulder Canyon to Sturgis, South out of Sturgis on Vanocker Canyon Road to Nemo, South out of Nemo to Johnson Siding, West out of Johnson Siding to Hill City, South out of Hill City to Keystone via the Old Hill City Rd, Up the hill to Mount Rushmore from Keystone,after My Rushmore back toward Keystone and then South on the Iron Mountain Rd. West towards Custer,North on the Needles Highway, West to 385/Hill City, left on 385, take picture of Crazy Horse, late lunch at Black Hills Burgers in Custer, West on U.S. 16 to Newcastle, North on U.S. 85, to Cheyenne Crossing, Left on U.S. 14A back through Spearfish Canyon to Spearfish. About 250 miles, will take most of the day with a few stops.
Ride #2
Just as good, but totally different.
Spearfish North on U.S. 85 to Belle Fourche, West on U.S. 212 to Alzada MT. At Alzada go to the west edge of town, check out the Stoneville Saloon, the woman that owns it is (was)tattooed like a Tiger, now looks like a Charpei. Buy one of your deserving friends a can of Sheep's ******** for sale there. Head back into Alzada, about 1/4 mile take the only paved road South (right) to Hulett, WY. During Rally Week there will be over 100,000 people in Hukett on No Panty Wednesday. At Hulett turn right, go to Devils Tower. After walking around Devils Tower head South to Sundance, at Sundance head South on WY 585. Turn left on U.S. 85 (you ride this yesterday but it is worth another ride), Head for Deadwood, make a deposit at one of the Casinos, Follow 85 back to Spearfish.