BMW R1200gs

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2005
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Thinking of adding another horse to the barn next year. Any opinion, informed or otherwise, as to reliability of this machine. I've heard everybody talking 'bout the dl650 but my 6th sense just doesn't like it. I figure the wife won't bitch too much :wacko: if its different enough, plus i want something proven to take an ass wuppin on the dunes and the forests around here. I know they're a little 'spensive, but the Feej wasn't cheap either.

I figure after paying for new windows, replacing the roof and tearing the concrete out of the backyard and replacing w/ grass for a nicer yard as well as a 3 other "improvement" projects that should've been undertaken before I ever showed up here(she owned it before we met) I'm gonna need sumtin' to get me away from people and cages and, hopefully get my ass to Alaska next summer.

All I'm really askin' is if anyone has heard of problems that occur regularly enough that I may need to look at something else.

Sorry if this isn't making sense I just got off of a 36 hr shift 'cuz my asshole relief decided to lay up w/ the "flu"30 mins before he was supposed to relieve me :ranting2: I'm gonna kill him when he gets back! 3rd time he's done this since OCT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Buy the GS! It's like a big comfie dirt bike. Test rode one when they first came out and was going to buy one except for the waiting list.

2nd choice was the FJR and 3 mysteriously showed up at the local dealer! I've got a itch for the adventure, but will settle for a GS.

Don't even bother to ride the F650.....slow and gutless! Trip to alaska just let loose a itch,...swing by seattle on the way and I'll join up!

Work close to the BMW dealership in Seattle and know of one customer who had his final drive let loose! Think it was on a '03 or '04 R1150?(no fairing)

Said he loved his bike anyways.



Thanks, sorry for being a copycat there. :censored: I'll probably take a test ride on one in the summer. Like I said, lots to this year, little to save for next year. Gotta spend some cash tomorrow for WFO, yet another expenditure I wasn't counting on. First I gotta pay for a new hip on the puppy though!

Buy the GS! It's like a big comfie dirt bike. Test rode one when they first came out and was going to buy one except for the waiting list.

2nd choice was the FJR and 3 mysteriously showed up at the local dealer! I've got a itch for the adventure, but will settle for a GS.

Don't even bother to ride the F650.....slow and gutless! Trip to alaska just let loose a itch,...swing by seattle on the way and I'll join up!

Work close to the BMW dealership in Seattle and know of one customer who had his final drive let loose! Think it was on a '03 or '04 R1150?(no fairing)

Said he loved his bike anyways.


Will definitely do. Funny how the itch seems to be hitting various people here at the same time I'm noticing. Subliminal messaging on FJRF or just a congealing of similarily karmatic beings for a divine meeting to determine the fate of the world? Hmmmmmmm

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I spent a week on a 2005 GS on a tour of the Alps recently. It had lots of power, very comfortable for two,awesome cornering ability. Everyone loves these bikes and they have great reliability. Check out,GS forum and registery. The owners are as loyal as FJR owners. I would add one if I could and probably will down the road.


Dunes in Chicago! How cool is that. Are they around the lake?
They're actually in Indiana and Michigan, about an hour or so away. There are some nice trail systems south of here though. "Around here" is more figurative than literal ,unfortunately <_< . Sorry for the misleading phrase. :blush:

Dunes in Chicago! How cool is that. Are they around the lake?
They're actually in Indiana and Michigan, about an hour or so away. There are some nice trail systems south of here though. "Around here" is more figurative than literal ,unfortunately <_< . Sorry for the misleading phrase. :blush:
Erm, from what I've read and heard, the GS is not the machine you want to play in sand with... too damned heavy to handle the deep stuff and it's certainly not a single tracker.

I really like that bike, but for 20k, I can get the Wee-Strom, all the farkles I'll ever need and still have plenty of coin left for T & E. Just my $.02.

What's T&E? Twowheel & Evil?
Harr-dee-harr, harr skoot. :****:

T & E: Travel and Entertainment
AHHH! Grasshoppa is much enlightened now. :assassin:

As far as sand goes,it would still be more fun than the Tahoe or FJR. My '91 Toyota is blast in that stuff though, it would be fun to have 2 manners of conveyence though, 1 for me and Toy as support/wife's vehicle, don't think she'd appreciate being pillion in the sand, maybe near the water,but definitely not in the washboards. She would edfinitely love the whoopdee's in the toy tho'!

I currently own a BMW r1200c, Montauk.

I will not spend another dime on that Crappy company!

The warranty isn't worth the paper it is written on.

This is why I own a FJR1300A instead of the K1200gt.

BMW SUCKS, just my opinion. :angry2:

You can have 3 DL650 for one of those GS. :glare:


I'm toying with buying a BMW650GS in the future. Its been around long

enough for the Germans to work most of the bugs out of it. I read about

the 2007 Dakar Rally and it was 690cc KTM's and Yamaha 400cc in the

top 10. A 1200cc bike is BIG! The V-Storm 650cc is also a great bike to

consider too!
