Bought stuff at 'mericade

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Frankfort, NY
I came across two, count em 1, 2 good buys at 'mericade last week and I just gotta rave about 'em.

First I got to see Lee Parks give a total control riding demo one day on an 05 fjr and an 05 'wing. The demo was ok, but it got me to thinking...Hey, if Lee Parks is here, maybe he is selling these gloves everyone seems to rave about.

Sure enough, at the forum he was there with a plethora of goodies to sell. I ended up buying a set of black deer tours, my brother out from San diego also bought a set of black deer tours, and my penny pinching dad even shelled out $$ for a set of tan deer tours. We also picked up his total control riding book and he signed them. Real nice guy to talk to. Didn't rush us along at all and even talked my brother into coming out to 'apple valley' (i think that's what they said) to take a course from Lee when he gets back out west. I flipped through the book briefly last night and it seems well written and well illustrated. Once I get these microsoft certifications out of the way I'll have to settle in and read it. Oh, and the gloves are very very awesome!! :yahoo:

The other purchase I made was an AirHawk 'ass gasket' (dad's words). I've seen them there for the past 3 years, but never commited to getting one to put on my stock saddle. I stopped and talked to the guy who had a demo 'gasket' on his own 04 FJR in the booth. After shooting the schit for a bit, he said "well, there is a 60 day money back guarantee, take one today (tuesday), and if you don't like it this week, bring it back and I'll tear up the credit slip." How could I pass that up with a 400+ ride through vermont planned for the next day?? Normally, I can get ~500 miles on the stock seat in a day with some burn or monkey butt, but that airhawk totally eliminated that. Love it. The ONLY thing I have negative to say about it applies to any air/gel/foam seat pads...they alter your geometry slightly on the bike by raising you up off the seat some. But adjusting to the new position is a small price to pay for the ability to go longer in the saddle. At least that's what my wife tells me...

Maybe someday I'll fork out the $$ for a custom saddle. Maybe on my new '09 FJR. But for now, I'm as happy as a cop in a donut shop.


Rookie! :D

Great rally though, I've gone the last 20yrs, lots of rain this year they usally get it the following week

at that "other" rally... (Laconia). Looks like the weather got switched this year.

it got me to thinking...Hey, if Lee Parks is here, maybe he is selling these gloves everyone seems to rave about.
Sure enough, at the forum he was there with a plethora of goodies to sell. I ended up buying a set of black deer tours, my brother out from San diego also bought a set of black deer tours, and my penny pinching dad even shelled out $$ for a set of tan deer tours. We also picked up his total control riding book and he signed them. Real nice guy to talk to. Didn't rush us along at all and even talked my brother into coming out to 'apple valley' (i think that's what they said) to take a course from Lee when he gets back out west. I flipped through the book briefly last night and it seems well written and well illustrated. Once I get these microsoft certifications out of the way I'll have to settle in and read it. Oh, and the gloves are very very awesome!!
I picked up a pair recently from Fox Creek Leather due to their free shipping policy and love them! I also took the Toal Control clinic last November in Anaheim from Lee with four other FJR's and highly recommend it. I wish he'd put on a two-day track clinic around here!
