Boulder Auto Interiors Tank Bag

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Anyone know who I should talk to at Boulder Auto Interiors about the FJR tank bra?
Info from page two of Parts & Access on Sleazyboard

Contact information -

Stan (don't know last name)

Boulder Auto Interiors

Address 1730 38th St

Boulder, CO 80301

Phone (303) 444-5779

They look pretty good, I thought about getting one a while ago.

Anyone know who I should talk to at Boulder Auto Interiors about the FJR tank bra?
Info from page two of Parts & Access on Sleazyboard

Contact information -

Stan (don't know last name)

Boulder Auto Interiors

Address 1730 38th St

Boulder, CO 80301

Phone (303) 444-5779

They look pretty good, I thought about getting one a while ago.

I just talked to Stan and he lost his lease and is in the middle of moving. He said he'd be a bit crazy for 1 to 2 weeks as a result of the move.

He gave me his email:

[email protected] 'u' in bolder for this email address.

I am going to wait a while before I place my order, but he has the pattern for my 05 and can create them easily.

Perhaps if anyone else is interested, we can make it easy on Stan and place a group order.

If so...lemme know

I'm up the street from Stan now, hopefully he won't move very far. So, if anybody needs a man on the scene, let me know. Boulder aint that big, so I'll be close by no matter what.

Yes, he does good work. Can do seats too, but you need to have a good idea of what you want.

I can't remember, was this the 1/2 or 3/4 bra cover? Is there a photo of it somewhere?

I can't remember, was this the 1/2 or 3/4 bra cover? Is there a photo of it somewhere?
Yep, here's a couple :D



The only thing I don't care for is the "wrinkles ". The way the FJR's tank's shaped I guess there's no getting around them.
