Boy Crashes Spyderpig

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2007
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I posted this on another forum all ready So, if you've read it sorry.

I knew when I said "boy just take MY bike and ride to work and back." It is a few blocks and he has been doing it for a couple weeks.

I left on Fiona to get an oil filter. When I got back Spyderpig was in the garage??? Boy was spose to be at work. He came running out of the house and said I think I may have dented it.

He hit the throttle on some sand at the bottom of the drive way coming home. Skid sideways a little, Hit the brakes hard, and drove it into the ground. I said, "they aren't very forgiving are they?" And I just laughed a bit. I said,"I knew when I told you this early on to ride the "Pig" that you would wreck it." and "Did you learn anything?" He said Yes. I said. "you still wanna ride?" He said yes. He was very relieved I didn't freek.... Another bonding moment with The boy. Couple a tiny dents in the tank and a small scrape on the Brand New Holeshot Exhaust. Thankfully I just put on frame sliders. I was suprised it took him so long to crash a small crash. We changed the oil on both bikes and talked about the crash.

Alls well and, so ends another fine weekend.

This is the son that just started riding?.....and he's riding a FJR????

Glad as hell he's OK, but I gotta say, WAY too much bike, WAY to early in his skills development. Contributing factor? Most likely.

Sorry, Fiona and spyderpig are the FJR and SV650 respectively. It used to be in my sig line. HELL NO the boy isn't riding my FJR.

At one time timalan sed: MY wife is naming Her so it is either "Fiona" or "Zoloft"

Spyerpig is perhaps a unique motorcycle name. And, that's a good thing. :lol:

At one time timalan sed: MY wife is naming Her so it is either "Fiona" or "Zoloft"
Spyerpig is perhaps a unique motorcycle name. And, that's a good thing. :lol:
Wow good memory! Fiona won, but its like a happy drug so Zoloft woulda fit.

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Were they brand new new PR2's? You know, the bike will just slide right out from under you....

Even Warchild has taken to warning others....

Edit: And, to stay on topic, good for you. I have to admit, I would have freaked out. I'll put this in my 'learn from those who came before you' book for use when mine are old enough to ride.


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First off, if I had Fiona, I wouldn't let anybody else ride her either!


Secondly, sounds like you managed to do what we call "putting the fear of God in the boy". Good for you.

You very well could have saved his life, or in the least, prolonged it.

Glad everything worked out for you both, and congratulations on remaining focused on what really mattered most.

Were they brand new new PR2's? You know, the bike will just slide right out from under you....
Even Warchild has taken to warning others....
Nope, When I asked him what he did wrong he said that he hit the throttle coming up the incline of the driveway and there is a ton of road gravel down there. He juiced it sideways, the panic set in, and he nailed the brakes. hit the ground right before he hit the back of my car. I'd like to say he won't do it again but, I have been down more than once. He is sweaping the bottom of the driveway today. I did it last spring and hadn't done it yet this year. Hindsight is 20/20. But, good place for him to learn Crashin in our driveway was the best place.

I just thought of something Kinda Funny. When TJ and I went on our first ride three or so weeks ago. We rode about 70 miles. Parking lots. Lake park 25MPH. Back country roads 45 mph. One Highway 65 mph. and then home. right before we got home. One block away. I pulled over, got him beside me and I said. If your gonna Crash, It will be going into our drive way, In the gravel at the bottom. "follow me And DO WHAT I DO". hehehehe that makes me laugh. He musta forgot.

Actually the reason I bought the FJR was for my sons. The only time it was dropped was when it was being parked by my oldest.

Now my youngest (19 yrs), he dumped my Beemer in a corner just up the road, I think he was trying to text someone. That took some repair bending back the handlebars, replacing the fairing, and light. Crash bars and touring cases did their job on the rest. Funny thing we always tell them to wear protection, the youngest always rode off wearing shorts an T-shirts. That time though he put on the proper protection.

If I was paranoid about a few scratches on the bikes or cars, I wouldn't have kids, dogs or a wife.

My number 2 listens, the oldest and youngest have to learn for themselves.

Still isn't it great riding with your kids?

