Bubba walking on water

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2015
Reaction score
Midlothian, Tx
Speaking of choosing the right time of year to ride a dirtbike across the water......

So Bubba grew up in a house on the lake hearing stories many times of how grandaddy and then daddy walked across the lake on their 21st birthdays to get to the tavern on the other side for their first drink of alchohol.

Bubba dreamed of the day that he would turn 21 so he too could have the magical gift of walking on water like his grandaddy and daddy did.

One morning Bubba woke up and it dawned on him that this day was his 21st birthday! So he jumps up out of bed, runs out of the house, across the back yard, off the end of the boat dock, and spoosh, down to the bottom of the lake he goes. Bubba never did learn how to swim.

So he's bobbing like mad, splashing and yelling Help, Help!! Cletus, his next door neighbor hears all the commotion, looks out to see Bubba drowning, and runs out to rescue him. He says Bubba, what in hell were you thinking?? You know you can't swim!

Bubba is bewildered, he just can't understand why he is now 21 years old, and has not yet been endowed with the magical powers of walking on water. He is desperate, so he runs over to granny's house and begins banging incessantly on her back door.

Granny comes to the door wondering what all the commotion is about, Bubba? What in the world has gotten into you child??

Bubba replies, granny, I just turned 21 today and I should be able to walk on water like grandaddy and then daddy did when they turned 21!! I just don't understand it granny, what is wrong with me?? Where did I go wrong??

Granny gives Bubba a long hard look and finally replies, child, you were born in August, your grandaddy and your daddy were both born in January when the lake was froze over!

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I will give this on a Win. I never heard it before.

I cannot relate to it though. We may have to paddle across, swim across, drive the boat across or even wade across. But we never, ever see anything get frozen over.

Credit for this goes to Jack - bbdig.

A Maine Love Story

Here’s a real New England LOVE STORY!

George and Aggie lived on the cove just past Lewiston Tickle out on the peninsula. It was early winter and the lower portion of the cove had frozen over. George asked Aggie if she would walk across the frozen part of the cove to the general store and get him some smokes and beer.
She asked him for some money, but he told her, "Nah, just put it on our tab, old man Stacey won't mind."

So Aggie walked across the ice, got the smokes and beer at the store and then walked back home across the cove. When she got home and gave George his smokes and his beer, she asked him, "George, you always tells me not to run up the tab at Stacey's store. Why didn't you just give me some money?"

George replied, "Well, Aggie, girl, I didn't want to send you out there with cash when I wasn't sure how thick the ice was yet!"

Kind of brings a tear to yer eye, don't it?

This joke makes more sense if you are a Frostback but then the Bubba part would be outta place. I like it tho. Hopefully a member of the Canadian Liberation Force will see this!
