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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2007
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SE Arizona
Rode to Tucson for a meeting today and ran into mucho "bugs". I don't know what the bugs down here eat, whether it's the mesquite or creosote bushes but they are sticky damn things. After about twenty miles of being hit I pulled over and took out my faithful "Glosser" and wiped my faceshield clean.

I was at the Nostalgia Drag Races in Bakersfield three years ago and rode into swarms of bugs in the San Juaquin valley. I had to stop about every 50 miles and use the rest room wash basin to clean off the bugs. When I was walking through the boothes at the drags this company rep gave me about half a dozen sample packs and explained that since they were micro-fiber they wouldn't scratch my metalized face shield. He told me not to toss them but put them in a baggie so I can't claim any of this was my idea, just a great product and good advice from their rep. BTW they use them to wipe down $100,000 show hot rods so I knew they didn't scratch.

Anyhow I've used them since and take one with me when I'm riding. It sure makes the road clearer and the ride nicer. You can get them at most auto parts stores, Checker, Auto Zone etc. They cost about a buck (one dollar) for the small size and will last about 6 months. They also have large size towels for about $5 and you can cut them in quarters and put them in a baggie.


After I open the original package I use a baggie to keep the moisture in the cloth.


Just thought I'd pass it on as riding season begins.


Good info!Lots of bugs here in MN.


Rode up to Brainerd a few years ago for the Superbike races.

Got up early Monday for the trip home. Looked out the motel

window and thought it was raining. Put my rainsuit on and when

I got outside, it was bugs! Every time I stopped, I had to wipe

them off of my face as they would find their way through the

vents. Minnesota can keep'em. :blink:

I grew up in North Dakota, lived in Minnesota for eight years and have lived the past six years in Florida. I can tell you the bugs in Florida have NOTHING on the number and size of the bugs in Minnesota. We have taken a number of driving trips back to ND through MN and there is hardly a bug on the car until we hit MN. If you drive anytime after the heat of the day, right around dusk you will need to stop every 50 miles or so to clean the windshield. God forbid if you try to use the windshield washers.

BTW, thanks AZrider for the info, we hope to make a trip up to ND and over to Calgary this summer. Sounds like I may need to take a trip to AutoZone. Thanks

I grew up in North Dakota, lived in Minnesota for eight years and have lived the past six years in Florida. I can tell you the bugs in Florida have NOTHING on the number and size of the bugs in Minnesota.

Check your profile...you live in Southeast Georgia. The rest of us don't want Jacksonville any more than we want Miami. :)

I grew up in North Dakota, lived in Minnesota for eight years and have lived the past six years in Florida. I can tell you the bugs in Florida have NOTHING on the number and size of the bugs in Minnesota.

Check your profile...you live in Southeast Georgia. The rest of us don't want Jacksonville any more than we want Miami. :)

Jacksonville's not really in Florida is it? It doesn't have a theme park!!!


I grew up in North Dakota, lived in Minnesota for eight years and have lived the past six years in Florida. I can tell you the bugs in Florida have NOTHING on the number and size of the bugs in Minnesota.

Check your profile...you live in Southeast Georgia. The rest of us don't want Jacksonville any more than we want Miami. :)

Jacksonville's not really in Florida is it? It doesn't have a theme park!!!

Actually, it DOES. It's called "CrackerLand"


Good info!Lots of bugs here in MN.

Yeah...bugs in Minnesota! HAH!

Ain't NOTHIN' like the bugs we got here in Florida...

Minnesota bugs are pussies. :)
The Minnesota State bird is the mosquito. I have been to several parts of Florida and the bugs have never been a problem, have you ever been to Minnesota?? Let me know when you get that voting thing down there worked out. :blink:

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Good info!Lots of bugs here in MN.

Yeah...bugs in Minnesota! HAH!

Ain't NOTHIN' like the bugs we got here in Florida...

Minnesota bugs are pussies. :)
The Minnesota State bird is the mosquito. I have been to several parts of Florida and the bugs have never been a problem, have you ever been to Minnesota?? Let me know then you get that voting thing down there worked out. :blink:
Sorry, I live in CENTRAL Florida...I'll have to check with the former Michigan and Minnesota residents who moved to SOUTH Florida and fucked up the 2000 election to see if they've got things figured out. :****:

I may live downunder but have been to Florida about 3-4 times. They spray around the lakes etc in some area to keep the number of bugs down, around Orlando you can find very few bugs ,but you have to worry about the bird life and some fish what do they eat when all the bugs are killed ?.

:dribble: This thread has been hopelessly hijacked................................................... :blink:


Good info!Lots of bugs here in MN.

Tell 'em about love bugs.
That's EXACTLY what I was thinking! In East Texas (during a normal year, we get LOVE BUGS in May and August/September). When the love bugs are out, not only do you have to clean your windshield every 100 yards or so ( :blink: ), you have to hose your hose / wipe your bike down soon or the bug insides will eat your paint off in the heat)!

Best Regards,


The easiest way to clear bugs off the bike is with BOUNCE fabric softener dryer sheets, Wet one (followed by wet and then dry towel)and it will take all bugs off with very little effort. One will clean the whole front of my Motorhome !

[not only do you have to clean your windshield every 100 yards or so ( :blink: ), you have to hose your hose / wipe your bike down soon or the bug insides will eat your paint off in the heat)!
Best Regards,

Pesky little devils, eh?

They go right for your hose?
