Bump Keys

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Can somebody describe what they were? I am no locksmith, but have a few tools and have been "around" a lock or three. Just curious.


Real rough description -- a master key is cut in a zigzag fashion, jam the key firmly into the lock then rap the end of the key (there are even special 'tuned hammers'). The shock, tuned by the shape of the zigzag teeth causes the pins in the tumbler to bounce above the strike line, even against the pin's spring pressure. Rap & twist in a timed sequence. Must be easy, they had an 11 year old girl do a demo. Then again, when I can't straighten out something electronic or technical I look for my 4 year old nephew to fix it :lol:

Cool. Thanks. I was familiar with the vibration method and tools involved, but this seems to be a little more aggressive on the lock.

