Bustanut's Birthday

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Have a Great Birth Day My Friend Bustanut joker and many, many more. I hope that you have a fantastic day with your "Special Friends"! Wear a condom, OK!


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HAPPY B-DAY Bust, make sure you behave your self to day. :eek: ..that would be the day... :lol: Have a great day...

Don't ewe dare behave!

Ewe need to have some fun... :lol:

I hope ewe have a great birthday celebration.

Sheila is waiting with a list of chores tht didn't get done while ewe were playing with dcarver and the boys. :blink:

'Appy Birf-day tew ewe......

:yahoo: :whistle: :wackosmiley: :upsidedwnsmiley: :thumbsup: :taunt: :stinker: :crazy: :bleh:

Barry BustAsheep sure looks old for a young guy. Maybe you need a new EWE. Have a day to remember. :yahoo:

Happy BIRTHDAY, Bust!! Live large and create a scene at the nearest sheep ranch -- the record you set with the ewes today will be something to fondly remember when you're truly old.

Have a great year, and try not to give Sheila too much trouble -- for she is a patient woman.

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Happy Birthday old man! I was just checking out the site and I see you're another year older. I think I'll have a drink in your honor, or maybe a couple.
