Butt Burn

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2005
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To me the definition of Butt Burn or Monkey Butt is when I sweat from my vinyl seat, and my skin becomes irritated . When my pants pull on the irritated skin it can cause a lot of pain. I get it more when it's hot out. Some people have it some don't , I fall into the latter group.

I have tried tight bicycle pants, cool max pants, different kinds of powders , sheep skin etc. Not much success.

My brother in law rides his bicycle in many long distance events. He told me in his cycling community they use an ointment called A+D . It is used for diaper rash. Helps heal dry chafed skin and protects and soothes minor cuts and burns.

I bought a tube and threw it in my tankbag .

Yesterday I went on a ride, about 85 degrees. After 150 miles I was hurting bad.

Lets give this stuff a try , which I did . The results amazed me . The next 150 miles I had NO pain. Instant relief . A+D is now a good friend of mine. :coolio:

Sounds like a banned substance to me... probably what Barry Bonds was rubbing on his sore muscles too.... that's all we need... long distance riders juicing their butt muscles... :blink: :blink: :D

So where did you get it?

Oh, and "Woof" back at ya.

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A&D Ointment can be found in just about any pharmacy type drug store. Try Walgreens, CVS, Eckerds, or the equivalant in your area. It will probably be near the diapers and diaper rash medications since that is what it is generally used for.

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