Butte, MT's "hero's" son

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Big Sky

Dr. Gonzo
Sep 26, 2006
Reaction score
Butte, MT
In Butte, opinions on Evel Knievel are two sided: the hometown hero...or the biggest asshole the town ever produced. There is only one opinion of his boy, Robbie.

Robbie Knievel arrested for DUI in Butte

Robbie Knievel, the youngest son of the late daredevil Evel Knievel, was arrested for drunken driving in Butte Tuesday night.

Knievel, 52, was booked on a felony complaint of drunken driving late Tuesday night, police said.

According to Buttte police, Knievel was driving a 2005 GMC Yukon at a high speed and was involved in a four-car accident at Dewey Boulevard and Harrison Avenue around 7:30 p.m.

Witnesses told police that Knievel rear-ended a Honda, it hit a Ford and the Ford struck a Hummer. Nobody in those vehicles was injured, police said.

Knievel fled the scene in the GMC but police located him within a block of the accident on Busch Street, standing outside his car. He had a bloody lip and police smelled alcohol on his breath.

He refused to take a breathalyzer and could not take some of the field-sobriety tests because of his bloody lip, police said, so they got a search warrant to have a blood sample taken at St James hospital.

Knievel was cited for felony DUI and was booked into the detention center. He was still in detention Wednesday morning.

Undersheriff George Skuletich said Knievel has been in Butte the last couple of weeks, but he did not know why. His sister, Alicia Knievel Vincent, lives in Butte.

Robbie Knievel pleaded guilty to DUI in South Dakota in August 2013. He had been arrested in Lawrence County after the vehicle he was driving crashed into two motor homes while he was leaving the Buffalo Chip Campground.

His preliminary blood-alcohol breath test that night measured 0.228 – almost three times the legal limit.

He received a suspended jail sentence and paid nearly $600 in fines and his driver’s license was suspended for 30 days.

Knievel called into “TMZ Live” radio talk show after his 2013 arrest and admitted he was drunk that day, saying “I’m a frickin’ drinking, driving daredevil.”

“I ride motorcycles and I friggn’ drink and ride … that’s my deal,” he said.

He said he had an alcohol problem.

“I’m a cowboy. I’m not a redneck. But I love whiskey,” he said.
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Big Sky will know more than I do about this, but it seems much of the family tries to make every buck possible off of daddy's fame. They were in a big squabble over using the Knievel name for an annual celebration in Butte.

Hey Big Sky, does not his line, "I ride motorcycles and I friggn drink and ride thats my deal", apply to everyone in Butte?

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Sounds a HELL of a lot cheaper to get busted drinking and driving in SD than here.

Is there some rebel cred to calling in to a radio station to revel in living an irresponsible lifestyle that includes DUI testing at a 0.228 BAC? Sounds like a spoiled asshole with a famous name. Maybe his prior(s) can get him some real jail time in Butte.

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Guess when daddy's famous and you're a loser, you drink. Jackass!
A little hard on him aren't you? Robbie has preformed since he was a little kid, completed hundreds of jumps, and held 20 world records of his own.

I know his daddy was a hero to some. Sorry if this offends you. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

His father, the mighty Evel, definitely had big stones. You'd have to to ride a Hardly Ableson off any kind of ramp. BUT.....it was a lot of years ago, but Evel spent some time behind bars for having a couple of his buddies hold on to a guy while Evel beat him nearly to death with a bat. What was this unfortunate scoundrel's offense, you ask? He had written some unfavorable things about Evel in a book. So this "tough guy" couldn't ignore the book, or at least have the decency to confront the man face-to-face on his own. No, he had to bring a couple of goons along to feel like a "man".

I think you can guess how I feel about the spoiled, privileged, self-important brat and his father.

Sorry if I popped anyone's bubble.


Poking holes in your rock'n roll balloon, yeah, holes in your rock'n roll balloon!

Extra points to whoever know who song that lyric! :whistle:

Big Sky will know more than I do about this, but it seems much of the family tries to make every buck possible off of daddy's fame. They were in a big squabble over using the Knievel name for an annual celebration in Butte.
Hey Big Sky, does not his line, "I ride motorcycles and I friggn drink and ride thats my deal", apply to everyone in Butte?
Pterodactyl is right in the first respect, partially in the other.

Yes, the family (Robbie's brother Kelly is an asshole, too) is wringing every dollar possible from the estate, which is essentially Daddy's fame.

The line, "I ride motorcycles and I friggn drink and ride thats my deal" does NOT apply to everyone in Butte; to some, I suppose. The line more accurately may be, "I live in Butte and I friggin drink and that's my deal." Yes, Butte has a reputation as a rough and tough, fightin', hard-drinkin' town, earned over the century of underground hard-rock mining when over 300 saloons served 5,000 miners 24/7. You couldn't be a pussy and do that kind of work. Today, however, that reputation is quite overblown though we still relish our freedom and independence. We actually do cultivate some of the negatives (horribly cold climate, etc.) in order to keep the riff-raff out. We ain't no Yuppie Town and are damned glad of it.

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Big Sky will know more than I do about this, but it seems much of the family tries to make every buck possible off of daddy's fame. They were in a big squabble over using the Knievel name for an annual celebration in Butte.
Hey Big Sky, does not his line, "I ride motorcycles and I friggn drink and ride thats my deal", apply to everyone in Butte?
Abercrombie is right in the first respect, partially in the other.

Yes, the family (Robbie's brother Kelly is an asshole, too) is wringing every dollar possible from the estate, which is essentially Daddy's fame.

The line, "I ride motorcycles and I friggn drink and ride thats my deal" does NOT apply to everyone in Butte; to some, I suppose. The line more accurately may be, "I live in Butte and I friggin drink and that's my deal." Yes, Butte has a reputation as a rough and tough, fightin', hard-drinkin' town, earned over the century of underground hard-rock mining when over 300 saloons served 5,000 miners 24/7. You couldn't be a pussy and do that kind of work. Today, however, that reputation is quite overblown though we still relish our freedom and independence. We actually do cultivate some of the negatives (horribly cold climate, etc.) in order to keep the riff-raff out. We ain't no Yuppie Town and are damned glad of it.
Hey, I was just trying to help with the cultivation efforts.

Evil had lots of guts but like a lot of folks he had another side to. I always put my billfold in my front pocket when I was around him.

I motocross-ed with Robbie. He was a average rider but the crazy bastard would jump off of any cliff and not even think about it. The pegs on his YZ were bent down from landing so hard. I enjoyed being around him and thought he was a good guy.

That being said, that was a lot of years ago and things do change.

Ptero, much appreciated! Actually, I am being somewhat presumptuous when I say "we" as if I'm "real Butte." Alas, we've only lived here since 1993 and Grandpa didn't work in the mines so we are newcomer interlopers. But we like it.

Those felonies would land most in the slam for awhile. We'll see if family name/connections and a hotshot lawyer can get him off.

Butte daredevil Robbie Knievel made his initial appearance in city court Wednesday where he was charged with felony DUI and felony endangerment.

Robbie Knievel, the youngest son of the late daredevil Evel Knievel, was charged Wednesday with felony drunken driving and criminal endangerment after allegedly causing a four-car pile-up in Butte the previous night.

Knievel, 52, made an initial appearance before a city judge at the Butte-Silver Bow Detention Center early Wednesday afternoon. In lieu of bond being set, he agreed to either come to the jail each morning and evening and submit to alcohol screening or wear a bracelet that detects alcohol.

The DUI is a felony because Knievel has three previous drunken driving convictions. The felony criminal endangerment charge stems from Knievel allegedly running a red light at the intersection of Dewey Boulevard and Harrison Avenue at 7:31 p.m. Tuesday and causing an accident that created substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury to another.

Police said none of those others involved in the wreck appeared to suffer injuries.

Knievel also was charged with three misdemeanors –- leaving the scene of an accident, operating a motor vehicle without an interlock device and running a red light.

When some of the best drunks I know charter a bus to go from Idaho Falls to Butte (!) for an annual "pub crawl" you know Butte has a drinking problem...

And here I thought Butte was full of Beliebers Big Sky.
That would more likely be Bozeman, and I'd quickly volunteer to be a Big Sky Belieber if I could land a decent job at Montana State. Lots of outdoors in Bozeman, and just down the road from the Big Sky Rally and Yellowstone. Oh yeah, this stuff, too, which is quite good.

An asshole he may have been, but it took real talent and skill, and a ton of courage to launch a Triumph Tiger or XR-750 off a ramp at 70-90 MPH. Admittedly he came up a tad short on the talent and skill side every now and then.

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I watched Evil crash at the Sacramento Autorama in the late 60's. He was jumping a couple of cars and a bus as I recall. It was a cold foggy day, he delayed the jump several times to get the ramps to dry, finally made the attempt, completed the jump but fell on the landing, leg was at an odd angle when they hauled him off in a meat wagon.

Before he left he said " I didn't want to disappoint my fans by not trying" or some such .........

The account of Evel's Snake River "jump" that appeared in Rolling Stone in the day is a revealing character sketch. Not a nice person.
