California Commuter Chronicles

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James Burleigh

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco Bay Area
Man oh man, what a difference a week makes!

It was just at the beginning of this week that the TV weather speculators began making noises to the effect that, "I think we've seen the last of Mr. Rain till next fall."

And so it should not have surprised me that suddenly there are a lot more bikes around during the commute. But the thing of it is, instead of your more staid Aerostitch-clad die-hards, those experienced commuters who tough it out in cold and rain, it seems to me it's Amateur Hour out there. Because a lot of them are behaving in dangerous and obnoxious ways.

My first clue was Monday morning taking my usual route up between a mile-long backup of cars heading toward the freeway. Suddenly there's some ass-hat I'd never seen before on a loud American-made cruiser (I won't mention the make since I don't want to sound prejudiced :rolleyes: ) pull up behind and start blipping his throttle until, exasperated (where in the hell am I supposed to go?!) he blasts way around me and a couple of cars in the breakdown lane.

And on the Bay Bridge into San Francisco in the morning I've now got to watch out, not just for cagers, but these f**king idiots on motorcycles violating what is in my mind one of the worst sins you can commit against a fellow commuter because you can kill him / her: flying by me out of nowhere in my lane a couple feet off my handlebar.

Sigh... Can't we all just try to get along....? :(


Yep, the silly season is here. Pays to frequently check your six and turn off the audio entertainment in these conditions. ;)

Cali combat commuting has me paranoid and checking my 6 every 15 seconds anymore. I'm one of the die hard, stich clad lunatics out there B)

Remember, summer brings the mating of the squids :ph34r:

Yep, the silly season is here. Pays to frequently check your six and turn off the audio entertainment in these conditions. ;)
Same in Sacramento. Plenty of shiny new toys, most still sans plates, riders in everything from shorts and t-shirts up to jacket, boots, and gloves. None with leg protection (got no room to talk there, picked up my first overpants last October). Had one genius on a Kawi (I'm guessing, but it was the right shade o' green) standing on his seat with one leg out behind him in heavy traffic - another frozen and blocking in the lane-share position, but too scared to pass traffic doing 20 mph. Had a heck of a time getting his attention (mirrors totally obscured by elbows, of course) so he'd scootch over and let me by. Not about to risk both our lives trying to anticipate how a noob was going to react to me if I had appeared without warning...

Of the 7 guys I work with who have bikes, 2 in the parking lot today - one was mine. Down from a max of 4 two weeks ago - the attrition is beginning.

If you are going to lane split in LA/SD areas, you better learn how to check six about 3 times a minute, if you are riding in the rush hours. Its a war out there for space for cagers and bikes.

Good observation JB - I don't have the traffic you do but the squid numbers are rising in my area too. Like gym memberships increase after January 1, so do the fair weather riders when summer first arrives..

Just be careful everyone?

Remember, summer brings the mating of the squids :ph34r:
Spotted a trophy male of the species last night on a Gixxer 6. Rear tire flat across the middle w/ 1"+ chicken strips. Luckily for the rest of us, he didn't seem to know lane sharing was legal.

I guess I'm lucky up here in the sticks, beginners usually only hit the mountains in packs. They are easy to spot grazing in the large turnouts.

Don't be too harsh on these young bucks, after all; we are just the survivors from our generations herd.
