CalSci question

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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2005
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Hiya... I just got my Calsci Med.. Im 5'11, and its great..

I really purchased this so I could have more blockage in the colder weather, but after mounting it and riding..

the wind coming through the holes is a bit more then I expected...

Was wondering if anyone closed up the holes with anything just for the colder weather....

Im thinking about making some two part plexy pieces, (front and back) of windscreen and bolting them together to close up dem holes... this is just a removable type thing, as to gain the full effect of the airflow for warmer weather...

anyone gots some thoughts..?


Depending on hole could try rubber plugs....if you want inexpensive & functional.....200 mile per hour tape(duc tape)....let us know how it pans out....

Of course, the purpose of the hole is to reduce air pressure against your back. If you plug the hole, be on the lookout for increased pressure on your wrists and hands. I have the same windshield, so let us know what you find out. Before I bought mine, I talked to Calsci about holes vs. no holes, and the guy I talked to was adamant and very defensive about their hole. :) He did admit that they recently reduced the size of the hole.

Hiya... I just got my Calsci Med.. Im 5'11, and its great..

I really purchased this so I could have more blockage in the colder weather, but after mounting it and riding..

the wind coming through the holes is a bit more then I expected...

Was wondering if anyone closed up the holes with anything just for the colder weather....


I went to Fred Meyer's and bought a Tupperware square bowl, light blue in color, cut out a piece to fit the CalSci cut-out and simply slid it in the hole from behind the screen. Works great and I can remove it any time I want. Haven't notice a great increase in back pressure...sure is a lot better than having Alaskan cold air rushing in.

Now that my friend is a great idea... I was gunna probably over engineer something here.... and I think you hit it right on the head there... Doesn't need to be that big of a deal... I think I will give that a try...

Flexible enough to wrap the small curve...

I don't deny that Calsci would squawk about closing up those holes, but everyone else makes a screen with no holes, so how bad could it be... :) It'll just be for keepin out the artic air.. And I will welcome the breeze in the heat !!

The air don't bother me in the down position, but when the SO wants the shield up, the blast hits me right in the chest, so on goes the 200 mph tape. Hey it comes in blue!!!! May give the tupperware idea a try though.

as a quick trial, I cut up a piece of cardboard and stuffed it in there, until I find the right piece of plastic, and it works awesome....

Great Windshield, I did notice a bit of backpressure even with the hole unplugged... But at least I can ride later in the fall up until winter hits here in wisconsin... and on the warmer days, I can pull the plug out.. and enjoy the breeze.. plug piece is small enough to stow quite easily... :)

When I get it done, I will post a few pics... :)


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VicaDon ....

Great idea, m'friend. I've been wondering how to fill in the hole for winter riding, too. I was just gonna duct tape it, but your fix is much cleaner. BTW, how is the plastic bowl piece secured? Just trimmed to fit the area and slide it between the windscreen's frame? The wind pressure doesn't blow it inward?


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Ok... I pretty much did the same thing, with my 05... thanks alot VicaDon for the idea.. :)

I ended up finding a Piece of a Deskpad Protector from office depot.. It was hard on one side, foam rubber on the other, but flexible. Was $15.


I took off the shield, and drew a template off of the mounting bracket, and trimmed the deskpad with a scissors. and then I worked it and cleaned up the edges with the bench grinder and wire wheel.. worked very well...

Product has small chords inside..

I actually loosened the sheild and fitted it and then tightened it down, after I got the proper flex to hug the windshield.. Im really happy with the results, as I have changed the plastic screws to stainless, I can tighten it nicely, and it holds well.. and with a philips head, i can just loosen and remove. and stow it, for some cool breeze... :)

Im sure you could really just use whatever you wanted, but I found this worked great...




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Ok... I pretty much did the same thing, with my 05...
I ended up finding a Piece of a Deskpad Protector from office depot.. It was hard on one side, foam rubber on the other, but flexible. Was $15.
Nice job. I would like it more if it were less thick and clear. But, the SS attachment screws is great. I'm always amazed at the ingenuity that folks have when dealing with some sort of problem ... what a great bunch of people.



Plastic screws are used so they will shear off if you have a get off through the shield. If you use metal screws they won't shear off, the windshield will shear you off!!!!!!!!!!!---very bad thing

someone else here had the chance to have the plastic screws perform as designed :( and were very glad they weren't metal. :yahoo:

'Course, decision is up to you...


Edit, But I like the idea otherwise and may do similar myself

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Nice job. I would like it more if it were less thick and clear. But, the SS attachment screws is great. I'm always amazed at the ingenuity that folks have when dealing with some sort of problem ... what a great bunch of people.
I was thinkin the same about the black, but I don't look at the front of my bike when Im riding.. so its not a problem... seriously it doesn't hinder any vision whatsoever...

And I like the look of the black...

Also the pad thickness works just fine.. its about 1/16th of an inch pretty thin...


VicaDon ....
Great idea, m'friend. I've been wondering how to fill in the hole for winter riding, too. I was just gonna duct tape it, but your fix is much cleaner. BTW, how is the plastic bowl piece secured? Just trimmed to fit the area and slide it between the windscreen's frame? The wind pressure doesn't blow it inward?


I just trimmed it to fit the area. It is the perfect thickness to secure but can be removed easily. It is stiff enough so the wind pressure does not noticeably blow it inward. The tricky part is cutting the material without it cracking. I used sharp shears going very slowly.

