Can I Use 75-90 Gear Oil in my 06 Rear End?

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Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys... I have had great luck with AMSOIL in my Valkyrie, ST1100, and Goldwing Rear Ends...

Any reason I can't fill the FJR06 with it? AMSOIL 75-90

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Many of us use Mobil 1 75/90 or the Amsoil. I have used both. I usually change the rear drive every other oil change. Its stays clean after a few changes. I quit using the Yamaha whale gizz after the first bottle. I haven't heard of any rear drive failures from either of the two mentioned above.

I used the run-off grease from the Holiday Inn kitchen I stayed at last night.


For TWN :)

sometimes you just HAVE to post :assassin:

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Hey guys... I have had great luck with AMSOIL in my Valkyrie, ST1100, and Goldwing Rear Ends...Any reason I can't fill the FJR06 with it? AMSOIL 75-90
I use synthetics in rear end all the time. I believe you'll find it runs cooler. I believe there was a thread somewhere that felt the stock stuff ran warm enough that it was degrading the paint.

Yes, it will work just fine.

Tha manual that came with my 97 Royal Star said use SAE80 API GL-4 Hypoid gear oil.

Tha manual that came with my 05 Royal Star Venture said SAE80 API GL-4 Hypoid gear oil.

Tha manual that came with my 06 FJR said use Yamaha's stuff that isn't labled so eye just use GL-4/GL-5 Hypoid gear oil.

GL-4 is very hard to find now as per you will find that most bottles say GL-4 / Gl-5 or they will say GL-5 and a footnote that GL-5 can be used where GL-4 reccomended. I don't get caught up in the synthetic stuff making my rear-end run better, etc. I just change my gear oil every time I change a rear tire.

Common knowledge dictates that If I have 3 Yamaha bikes with the same rear-end BUT maybe different gear ratios, then they use the same type gear oil.

End of Story!

Oh, forgot to tell you that I have 125,000 on the 97, 75,000 on the 05 and 25,000 on the 06 so I guess regular rear end oil will work just fine....AND so will any Synthetic.

Go-Get-Em Tiger!

I've ~ 120K miles with Amsoile gear lube in my 3rd FJR...I like it bcause it's thinner than most gear lubs, therefore creates less resistance.... B)

There's suppose to be oil back there? I just disassembled and greased everything for like the 30th time. You mean to tell me.............. :angry:

Holy amsoil fans in the house......let's hear it for amsoil fans, eh? You can also use the "severe gear" oil that they have. It's a racing oil for differential gears. I just use the cheap stuff they sell. GO AMSOIL.

Well then.. The AMSOIL 75/90 I have on the shelf goes into the FJR... If you can't trust

this Forum who can you trust...?

