cancer shielding motorcycle seat

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Oh dear God. Cellphones, microwave ovens, cordless phones, flourescent lights, and now motorcycles. Stop the madness!!! :glare:

The effects of ELF and EMF's are still in debate. I had a contract on a house I had for sale fall through due to the buyers claim that the emf's created by the house, not any power lines or any other source, caused the wife headaches. These were also the folks that claimed that walking on fresh grass that had not been through at least 2 hard frosts had some type of health hazard. The wife even went on to tell us that they cut power to their house at night and she slept under a special aluminium blanket.

Have a pair of drawers made out of a space blanket.

Loonies are everywhere.

Loonies with money are scary.

Loonies with agendas are dangerous.

Loonies with imagination rather than education are just ignorant, bordering on stupid. Google chemtrails sometime for an example.

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Loonies are everywhere.
Loonies with money are scary.

Loonies with agendas are dangerous.

Loonies with imagination rather than education are just ignorant, bordering on stupid. Google chemtrails sometime for an example.

That's some heavy reading. :blink:

Geez....I was just worried about my sperm I got that to worry bout?

I guess the old saying should be revised to, "There are two kinda motorcycle riders, those who have cancer and those who will get cancer"

Goodness gracious, can I enjoy anything without the loonies stepping in?

Loonies are everywhere.
Loonies with money are scary.

Loonies with agendas are dangerous.

Loonies with imagination rather than education are just ignorant, bordering on stupid. Google chemtrails sometime for an example.
I thought the lunatics were on the grass. :rolleyes:
Yet these same people will go for an MRI if their doctor suggests one without much thought. <_<

Good health is just the slowest rate at which one can die.

Well the guy who wrote the article thinks only two classes of motorcycle riders need this, er, 'protection'

every Hell's Angel and speed freak will run out and buy one
guess I am safe I don't need one...

I call baseless claims like this "superstitious knowledge."

You know, the black cat walking under a ladder spilling salt.....

The writer of the article didn't mention the patented liner that is available for motorcycle helmets. The special cancer shielding material is available in 30' rolls, for just $199.99 (plus s/h) and sales tax where applicable. The soft, metal foil can be molded to fit the interior of any helmet. For those who are unusually worried about the threat, an additional layer of foil can be applied to the outside of the helmet. This latter precaution also alerts other road users to the fact that the rider is concerned about his mental health.

As a special service to forum members, I may be able to procure a few of these special rolls at a discounted price. Perhaps we can get a group buy together, if there are enough loonies willing to partake. This of course, subject to the rules of the group buys deal.


The writer of the article didn't mention the patented liner that is available for motorcycle helmets. The special cancer shielding material is available in 30' rolls, for just $199.99 (plus s/h) and sales tax where applicable. The soft, metal foil can be molded to fit the interior of any helmet. For those who are unusually worried about the threat, an additional layer of foil can be applied to the outside of the helmet. This latter precaution also alerts other road users to the fact that the rider is concerned about his mental health.
As a special service to forum members, I may be able to procure a few of these special rolls at a discounted price. Perhaps we can get a group buy together, if there are enough loonies willing to partake. This of course, subject to the rules of the group buys deal.

Does it keep the aliens from reading your mind?

All I have to say is someday all of these health nuts are going to feel really stupid.................

Laying in the hospital dying of nothing! :D

Does it keep the aliens from reading your mind?
Absolutely! although if you're buying into this, there probably isn't much to read.

And yes, Odot. The de-luxe model, which is available for an additional $50 per roll, can also be used for grilling salmon. :)

Am I doing this wrong or does everyone really sit on TOP of the engine????? I though my engine was located somewhat forward of the area that a SEAT would protect…..

Let me know how that group buy comes together…….


KICK ASS! After my wife and I had our 2nd child in November, I thought is was going to be time for me to go off to the Dr. for the "Big Snip," but it looks like all I really need to do is ride the FJR more. What a great way to start my Monday!
