Carpal Tunnel Operation?

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
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Hendersonville, NC
I have been diagnosed and have a surgeon lined up to do the operation. Surely someone on the board has had this operation? Comments would be? Thanks,


One brother had 2 wrists, 1 ea elbow and sholder, other brother had both wrists. Both had great success. Daughter in law had elbo and wrist and is in agony with the elbow! I have delt with the same problems with my hands for 35 years and don't want to take the chance...drugs help :yahoo: . As long as the TBS keeps me ridding for at least 1 hour before I need to take a break I will hold off on the surgery.


Wife has had both wrists done withing last 6 months. Says it alleviated the pain, and is glad she did it. If you have that numbness and tingling, you'll get immediate relief. Unless you have someone to shake the dew off of the lilly that really loves you. You might want to do one at a time.


Before you go under the knife consider getting a physical therapy consult with a PT who's knowledgeable about forearm strains. The pain in your wrist(s) may be referred from muscle insertion tendons just below your elbow. Feel around that area with your fingertips. If it's painful to have someone rub that portion of your arm you may have tendonitis up there with pain referred to your wrist. If so, a good PT can set you up with a deep muscle massage program that will hurt but will, in a couple weeks, relieve the rope like tension in those tendons.

I speak from experience, having developed this condition myself. My wife's also had this problem from time to time. Typing on a PC and long hours using the mouse can actually produce this condition.

A couple years ago I saw a neighbor wearing a wrist splints and complaining of "CT." With her permission I pressed slightly on her forearm just below the elbow and you'd have thought I'd stabbed her with a cattle prod. I recommended a local PT who'd helped me and Shannon with this and within a month she was feeling mucho better. She was quite thankful.

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Perhaps this is harsh but I think 90% of CT diagnosis is BS. I've worked in the Computer industry now for 18 years, and before that even did some other work that was shall we say susceptible to repetitive stress injuries?

The same thing can be found when I'd get addicted to a video game or online computer game back in the day. I could strain some serious tendons and ligaments from repeated use, constant hours of online keyboard/mouse game play. Significant pain.

Not to mention video game controllers and what not.

Most of CT (wrist related stuff) and I've had my share of times when I've had "issues' with ergonomics of desks, or keyboards, or mice or what have you. I've take then time to adjust my environment, take breaks, stretch and basically take care of myself.

I've never seen a Chiropractor for Carpal Tunnel, but imagine a good massage therapist good physical therapist could help you... I have had mixed results from good Chiropractors with back issues, and bad results from some Quack Chiros too. Like any Dr. there are good ones and bad ones.

Surgery probably isn't something you _need_ in my opinion. But if it makes you feel better, go for it.

I do know people who have had the surgery and swear by it. I also know some folks who have had it, had good results, but also didn't change their environment and ended up right back where they started.


I'll get cramped from shooting 5-6000 nails a day.

Relief = HOT shower, as hot as you can stand. lay palms flat on the wall of the shower with forarms in the hot water stream, (you may have to do one at a time) When tendions are good, and stretched and relaxed, turn the water cold immediatly from the hot. The tendions shrink while stretched (ie return to where they should be) works good for a few days then do it again. If I am on a large job and shoot 10,000 in a day my fingers won't even straighten till I do this.

PS A hand held shower head really helps from getting other parts cold.

Most of CT (wrist related stuff) and I've had my share of times when I've had "issues' with ergonomics of desks, or keyboards, or mice or what have you. I've take then time to adjust my environment, take breaks, stretch and basically take care of myself.
True. And yet sometimes peoples' tendons get to the point that stretching isn't enough and they need the tendons to be massaged and not namby pamby massaged but nearly bruising massage. That's where a good PT comes in.

I also agree with Renegade. He's stretching then essentially icing his tendons.

Icing is most effective in reducing inflamation when one can cool the tissues rapidly. Put water in a paper cup and freeze it. This makes an ice cup which is far more effective in lowering tissue temps than a bag of ice. A 50/50 mix of rubbing alcohol and water frozen is even more effective but one needs to be careful not to freeze skin using the alcohol/water frozen in a zip-loc bag trick. As in frost-bite. And I'm not kidding.

I certainly appreciate the comments. My problems started last year when I was on crutches for 6+ weeks due to achilles tendon surgery. Both hands go to sleep with simple things like reading a magazine, keyboarding, etc.

I'm not sure whether or not to do the surgery, but it would sure be nice to ride without the right hand going to sleep.


Jim, did they do a nerve induction tesr? Its where they send a elect single down the nerves to measure how long it takes...this is the only way to correctly diagnose carpal tunnel. They will measure the time it takes at ea joint. Do your hands swell or just get numb?


I had carpal tunnel operation about 16 years ago on my right wrist. I had broke it clean through as a kid, fractured it and had a dislocation that was misdiagnoised and had to be operated on. I have pulled a trigger on a spray gun and target guns plus I paint and ride motorcycles. The pain wasn't so much of a factor as was the nimbness. It cured what ailed me and has not resurfaced even though I have not changed my habits. If you have the time and insurance I would do it all over again.

Tested out as carpal tunnel. However, it only goes numb and doesn't hurt. I'm giving some serious consideration to doing a cortizone shot for temp. relief and then seeing if a set of exercises will work me out of the problem. Everything was fine until the 6 weeks on the crutches.


Tested out as carpal tunnel. However, it only goes numb and doesn't hurt. I'm giving some serious consideration to doing a cortizone shot for temp. relief and then seeing if a set of exercises will work me out of the problem. Everything was fine until the 6 weeks on the crutches.jim
Yeah, definitely, go with the later. IMHO 6 weeks of crutches should not necessitate an operation, unless you're just looking to miss some work and give a Dr. something to do.

Tested out as carpal tunnel. However, it only goes numb and doesn't hurt. I'm giving some serious consideration to doing a cortizone shot for temp. relief and then seeing if a set of exercises will work me out of the problem. Everything was fine until the 6 weeks on the crutches.

Yeah, definitely, go with the later. IMHO 6 weeks of crutches should not necessitate an operation, unless you're just looking to miss some work and give a Dr. something to do.

If your doctor recomended surgery based on a problem that only manufested itself after 6 weeks because the use of crutches...IMO he's a ambulance chasing asshole :angry: :angry2: Get a new doctor ASAP!!! Surgery is a LAST resort always!


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I had CTS surgery on both hands. Neither was successful. My Doctor was needing it done but was not going to use the same surgent. I wonder about the percent of success. Good Luck! TJ


My right wrist has gotten so bad now that I can't go ten minutes on the FeeJR without my thumb and index finger going numb. I went for the nerve conduction tests and came up positive moderate-severe nerve damage on the right arm and mild in the left. My orthopedist recommended the hand surgery and Ulnar nerve relocation procedure for the right side and a wait and see aprroach for the left.

I'm all for the quick fix and didn't like the idea of some namby-pamby tree-hugger homepathethic approach and am going under the knife ASAP.

For those that have had it done, how long typically until you were able to safely ride again? With gas prices where they are this is going to cost me a bunch in added fuel burn in my cage.

For what it's worth, I had both "tunnels" operated on in 2007 and I've never been better.......sure glad I did this!


Sir, I have one acquaintance who had the surgery a few years ago and the nerve? (not a doctor) has grown back and the problem is now there again. She commented that the hassle of the surgery would not be worth it again. I never asked, but I gather that the condition was not that severe and she let herself be talked into the surgery. My sister-in-law has had just recovered from the surgery and she admits that maybe she was not severe enough to have the operation and the recovery time was not worth it. My wife wants to follow her sister's example but is convinced to try PT. I am not the greatest help here as my wife's family tends to seek out quick-fix things and jump at 'trendy' procedures. I know folks have tremendous problems with CT, but I also preceive it(the operation) as an over perscribed procedure somewhat like riddlin now-a-days. On big things like someone cutting on my body, I let any trust I have in my doctor and my threshold for pain decide. Good luck. I'll pray for you that the wisdom will come and the right path will be obvious. ;)
