Carrying Extra Fuel

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
Mammoth Lakes, CA
I'm planning a long trip where gas stops may be limited, especially in the middle of the night. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can carry an extra 2 or 3 gallons of fuel on my 2004 FJR without hooking up an auxiliary fuel cell? I plan on buying one someday but for now just want to be able to go 300+ miles without worrying about running out of gas. I don't mind having to stop and transfer gas from the reserve storage to the main tank. Safety is an issue and I'm concerned about having it properly grounded and vented. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


For a single day's ride I didn't feel too bad about strapping a 2 gallon can to the rear rack using ratchet bungee. It did wear the paint a bit.

I was just keenly aware that I had a 300,000 extra BTUs strapped to my bike and pretended it was 60 sticks of dynamite.....which is actually was equivalent to. ;)

I use the large Sigg fuel bottles that I use when back packing. Came in very handy on the trip to Yellowknife on my old bike with a 3.2 gal tank. they are spun aluminum and very fuel tight.


A couple websites say "Sorry - Sigg Fuel Bottles are no longer being made."

and nothing on the Sigg website.

..but there are other brands like MSR..


Problem with the MSR type bottles is that one would need to likely carry 8 to 12 for the kind of quantities he wants. At $10 a pop....that's a big chunk of change.

Cream of Weber makes some too. They are bigger and all you have to do is remove the white packing fliud before you use it


You could just take come dehydrated fuel and add water to the tank as you dump it in. That will have both weight and space, Check Ebay!! :lol:

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Or try this, just carry a small plastic gas can or whatever trips your trigger but carry it empty. When you last fuel up and are going to be some distance from your next fuel stop or if its night and no stations available, just fill up the empty container then and you'll have it at your ready when you need it. Reccomend you have a rack on the "rear" of the bike to carry any extra fuel in case of drippage. PM. <>< :D

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Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. I went with the milk carton. Only kidding! I found a 2 1/2 gal. red plastic gas can at $16.95 Kragen that has a new style of cap. The cap has a plastic rachet type lock system and vents itself into the cap so that any fluid that might come out goes back into the can. Because the lid locks you can leave it just slightly ajar so fumes can escape. It will strap (not bungee) nicely to my luggage rack and I can fold a towel to sit it on so it won't scratch the paint. I know $16.95 is quite a bit for a plastic gas can but I think it's pretty safe and will work fine until I can figure out a more perment solution. I'm ready to go for the Gold.

Or try this, just carry a small plastic gas can or whatever trips your trigger but carry it empty. When you last fuel up and are going to be some distance from your next fuel stop or if its night and no stations available, just fill up the empty container then and you'll have it at your ready when you need it. Reccomend you have a rack on the "rear" of the bike to carry any extra fuel in case of drippage. PM. <>< :D
Duh! Why didn't I think of that -- Excellent idea sharing painman!

This may sound a little insane to some of you, but i've been thinking alot about this subject lately(don"t ask me why I don't know). Here's what I came up with. Contact one of the fuel cell manufactures they have fuel bladders that fit inside there thermoplastic tanks mostly used for dirt stock car racing or micro sprints. They make some small 5 to 8 gal. bladders, take one"or two" drill a 3/8 inch hole in the bottom of a saddlebag with a strap that would hold the bladder against the back of the saddlebag. Put a small shutoff ass. and tee into the main fuel line. the fuel would be conceled it would be lower on the bike than any other setups i've seen, could probably get up to 10 gal if you do both bags. sure you lose your bag storage but if you had a trunk you could get most of your stuff in there. at any rate your CG would be a lot better than having your aux fuel ontop of the seat. And your bike wouldn't look like you had a still plumbed up back there. Ok let the raft of shit begin.
