Cause of ABS warning light and alarm?

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May 24, 2006
Reaction score
Roseburg, OR
First I read a couple threads including this one: ABS Light with SH code

So I will lube the rear brake lever. Not being a mechanical genius, what do I use?

But my situation is a little different. Bike was given 20K service a month ago, with Highway blasters and harness in place; new tires spooned on. I've ridden the bike about 500 miles since no problems. Basically the bike has been sitting in the garage unused on the trickle charger for two weeks.

I pulled out the bIke for a run to a dam for damtour2009. Bike on side stand, in neutral, 21L Cortech bag on the tank. Engine is running and warming while I put some gear on. I then hear an alarm, look down and the orange check light and an "ABS" sign is lit up. 2-3 seconds and it goes out. Never touch the bike, look it over and as I check the same thing happens for 2-3 seconds (noticeable audible alarm) and it goes off on its own. Nothing amiss. Never happened before or since.

I drive around for a while. Brakes feel fine. No idiot lights so I go for the ride figuring a gremlin.

I get down to Hyatt Dam near Ashland, pull a hard parking lot right turn and the ABS light flashes on. WTF? Light goes off (no alarm by the way) when I come off steering lock. I sit and can recreate the error light at full right lock but not left. I look closer and the hazard light switch somehow was switched on and snagged on the fat assed bag. I turn off the hazard light and now I cannot recreate the ABS light. I turn the hazard light on and recreate the ABS warning light (no alarm). Hmmmm never heard of that one.

No problems on the rest of the ride. No rain.

Any thoughts guys and gals on what might be going on? Maybe the ABS sensor is messed up from the tire change? Grunge somewhere in the system/sensors? Don't worry? Worry?

I then hear an alarm
(noticeable audible alarm)
First time I've ever read that's there's an "audible" alarm!


Is this a Gen II "thing"?

The sound stopped when the ABS display went out. And started and stopped exactly with the second time 'ABS' came on solid. Don't know how else to describe the sound. High pitched but not shrieking and easily heard with a helmet on from 4 feet away. The orange check light was on at the same time.

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I then hear an alarm
(noticeable audible alarm)
First time I've ever read that's there's an "audible" alarm!


Is this a Gen II "thing"?

The sound stopped when the ABS display went out. And started and stopped exactly with the second time 'ABS' came on solid. Don't know how else to describe the sound. High pitched but not shrieking and easily heard with a helmet on from 4 feet away. The orange check light was on at the same time.
Weird....wonder if the ABS pump was "pumping" and that's what you heard? And if so, the bigger question is "why would the ABS pump be running with the bike standing still?" unless there's something wrong with the pump, or attendant circuitry.

Thanks....I'll keep my fuel system problem. YOU deal with the ABS problem. Deal?

I then hear an alarm
(noticeable audible alarm)
First time I've ever read that's there's an "audible" alarm!


Is this a Gen II "thing"?

The sound stopped when the ABS display went out. And started and stopped exactly with the second time 'ABS' came on solid. Don't know how else to describe the sound. High pitched but not shrieking and easily heard with a helmet on from 4 feet away. The orange check light was on at the same time.
Weird....wonder if the ABS pump was "pumping" and that's what you heard? And if so, the bigger question is "why would the ABS pump be running with the bike standing still?" unless there's something wrong with the pump, or attendant circuitry.

Thanks....I'll keep my fuel system problem. YOU deal with the ABS problem. Deal?
Do I have a choice? Off to the dealer I go...

While the bike was running did the tank bag and "start" button ever come in contact?
Damn good call there, jackplanet514. It's been reported before.

BTW, are you REALLY jackplanet514? Or are you really jackkuiperbeltobject514? :)
Damn good call. I haven't been on the forum for a few weeks as my schedule just hasn't allowed it. Went three weeks ago on a 2500 mile trip down to San Diego for a 5 day conference, by way of the Pacific Coast Highway -- met up with George "kuhnajawdge" for breakfast. and on the way back went backroads part of the way via Yosemite and caught two California dams for the "dam tour 2009". First major test of padded vs. unpadded motorcycle LD pants too, allowing me to do 950 miles the last day. (ride report to come soon).

To the point, Same bag, same bike, no changes, no problems. Went out to the bike after reading this and recreated the "problem". No worries now, and I'm keeping the bike :)

Thanks for the suggestions and thoughts guys....

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While the bike was running did the tank bag and "start" button ever come in contact?
Damn good call there, jackplanet514. It's been reported before.

BTW, are you REALLY jackplanet514? Or are you really jackkuiperbeltobject514? :)
Damn good call. I haven't been on the forum for a few weeks as my schedule just hasn't allowed it. Went three weeks ago on a 2500 mile trip down to San Diego for a 5 day conference, by way of the Pacific Coast Highway -- met up with George "kuhnajawdge" for breakfast. and on the way back went backroads part of the way via Yosemite and caught two California dams for the "dam tour 2009". First major test of padded vs. unpadded motorcycle LD pants too, allowing me to do 950 miles the last day. (ride report to come soon).

To the point, Same bag, same bike, no changes, no problems. Went out to the bike after reading this and recreated the "problem". No worries now, and I'm keeping the bike :)

Thanks for the suggestions and thoughts guys....

Glad it worked out for you.


I am the bonafide JackPlanet514... er hmmm... <sigh> you're right I'm not that cool.


I know that this is an old post, but I just have to say THANKS for this post and the forum.

I just had work done on my brakes before taking a long trip. The first day of the trip, about 500 miles from home I crank the handle bars completely to the right and hear what I think is some kind of pump and the ABS light comes on. The breaks seem to be working fine so I don't worry about it. A couple of days later into the trip I am reminded of the problem as the same thing happens again. I think I need to call the dealer when I have a chance to see if this is something to be concerned about and needs some work. I searched the forum and here is the answer. The tank bag was hitting the starter button.

I'm glad I didn't call my service guy. He likely would have been baffled by this one.

Thanks again FJR Forum.
