CB Radios in Canada

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Well-known member
May 11, 2006
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Vancouver Island
It's been a while since I owned a CB; do they still need to be licensed through the CRTC? If so, anyone know if the J&M CB meets the CRTC specs or licensed one?

It's been a while since I owned a CB; do they still need to be licensed through the CRTC? If so, anyone know if the J&M CB meets the CRTC specs or licensed one?
Never was the CRTC - those guys are responsible for broadcast content and such.

Actually, it was Industry Canada (used to be the DOC - Department of Communications). CB is no longer a licensed service.

Can't say whether the unit you are interested in is approved - it has to have a sticker on it to be used legally in Canada. I'm sure that J&M can tell you if their unit is homologated (approved) for use in Canada.

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Thanks Bramfrank, now that you mention it I do recall that it was the DOC but I don't recall it being a part of Industry Canada, or at least IC going by that name 25 years ago - funny I still remember my call number and handle from back then.

I suppose if Ottawa is no longer concerned about licencing CB's then maybe they're not all that concerned about homologation either; the US FCC certification is probably good enough for their purposes. Besides, how are they going to find out whether the set I'm using is or is not anyway if I'm not applying for a licence and supplying them with the make, model and serial number of the CB? I guess some Mountie who was conscientious enough to be up on current regulations (probably have to be pretty anal to even care about those) and really wanted to stick it to me might look for the sticker but I'll bet most would see it as too much of a paperwork pain to bother, and those east of Alberta would be more interested in looking for a radar detector they could confiscate.

I suppose I could ask J&M anyway but the market is so small up here that I'd bet they could care less. Or I could call IC and bother a couple dozen civil servants... :rolleyes:
