Cee Bailey & Blue Flames

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The Video Dude
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
Ventura, CA
Wtf is wrong with Companies today, THEY DONT CARE about there customers just want your money.

Yes im a little pissed, I ordered Cee Bailey Windscreen and head lights cover on June 28th.. They took my money sent me a email stating 7 to 10 day lead time....Hello we are now into the 14th Bussiness day and i was told today they wont ship for at least another 4 days... WTF Cee Bailey NO refers from me...

Blue flame Exhaust

order same day as cee bailey.. june 28th called today to find out where the hell they are????? I was told they where shipping today...from Europe..dam it, i wont see them for at least another week or 2..

All be advise when ordering from these CO. on the time it will really take... Sorry for the bitching but i got it off my chest..

Blues Flame CO and Cee Bailey here's how i rate your service :thumbsdownsmileyanim: :thumbsdownsmileyanim:

Anyone have same problem with these CO.


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Blue flame Exhaust are made to order.

It takes 2-4 weeks on average to get them.

I ordered from blueflame on 6/19 and the pipes will be here next week.

Long, but not unreasonable to me.


you must be the other FJR waiting according to Blue flame," Brian" he said the was 2 FJR guys waiting..They Shipped 2 day from europe...he told me 3days to get to US then brian at the us factory opens them up make sure they are right and undamaged then ships to us.. Im in So CAl so i dont expect to see them for at least 10 more Working days...

Im more pissed at C Bailey then Blue flame they flat out lied to me.. Told me i would have them last week..

the exhaust i can wait on , my windscreen nope wont ride with out one..

J Dog


I must be the other set coming.

I figure he'll have then by weeks end and I'll have them next week sometime since I neighbor Ohio to the south.

I got Oval Carbon Fiber dual port.....what did you get?

I got the Dual steel i wanted them to look like the stock one from side, i just want some sound, i i like the fact they can have diffrent sound by removing diffrent baffles, I hear if you remove 2 bottom baffles you get a reall good sound, So i have been told..


I hear if you remove 2 bottom baffles you get a reall good sound, So i have been told..


You do get a good sound....kinda loud but not brash.....but not too loud.

I had a set on my 05 which was totaled.

Actually I took the baffles out before I even got the pipes on the bike.

Gosh, don't tell me that about Cee Bailey's, I ordered on July 3rd and was looking to get it before I left for WFO next Tuesday. If they're not shipping until the end of the week they might as well send it to Reno where I can install and at least get some of the use out of it that I had intended when I ordered it. <_<

Maybe I should have ordered it through a dealer, bet CB wouldn't risk pissing them off lest they lose the dealer and the exposure the dealer gives them.

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well i sent cee bailey a email saying i wasnt a happy camper ect.......after being told a few hour ago they would not ship for another 4 days .. I got a email back from cee bailey attach was a bill followed by another email a few minuts later attach was a tracking number stating they shipped this afternoon and should be here tomarrow..... I think some one messed up, glad to see its comming together

J Dog

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Excellent Jdog... squeaky wheel gets da grease! or brake cleaner... whatever... :lol:

I guess a little bitching help, after sending a email to cee bailey stating i was a unhappy camper with there delivery time i got it nexted day after being told it wouldnt ship for another 4 days,, Instresting


Yeah, I ran into the same thing when ordering from Cee Ba, ordered last year to have to ride down to EOM, paid for express delivery too!

Then of course the small print they have to make them, once ordered then ship, so there is your wait time. BTW no 4+4 for the ride to EOM!

It was at the house when i retunred go figure, I wouldn't have ordered it if I had road with it first, someone let me test theres at EOM!

I am starting to pay more attention to the small print now!

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What's wrong? Simple answer is "Just in Time". For the last several years every manufacturer has gone to the this system. No company is willing to warehouse manufacturing materials, so they have a "Just in Time" system to schedule deliveries of materials just as they are needed in the process. If there is one glitch, then it falls apart and everything gets delayed.

This is compounded by the fact that many manufacturing facilities have been moved to third world countries that have problematic infrastructures, and it gets worse.

Why do companies do this? It keeps costs down, profits up and to hell with getting things done on time. I have no doubt the reason that Yamaha delivers the FJR's late every year is that they get deliverys of components late from their suppliers.

It reminds me of the old saying, "You can get it fast, right or cheap. You can get it fast and cheap, but not right. You can get it fast and right but it won't be cheap, or you can get if right and cheap but it won't be fast.


What's wrong? Simple answer is "Just in Time". For the last several years every manufacturer has gone to the this system. No company is willing to warehouse manufacturing materials, so they have a "Just in Time" system to schedule deliveries of materials just as they are needed in the process. If there is one glitch, then it falls apart and everything gets delayed.
This is compounded by the fact that many manufacturing facilities have been moved to third world countries that have problematic infrastructures, and it gets worse.

Why do companies do this? It keeps costs down, profits up and to hell with getting things done on time. I have no doubt the reason that Yamaha delivers the FJR's late every year is that they get deliverys of components late from their suppliers.

It reminds me of the old saying, "You can get it fast, right or cheap. You can get it fast and cheap, but not right. You can get it fast and right but it won't be cheap, or you can get if right and cheap but it won't be fast.

Nothing wrong with them using JIT, or any other inventory management system. The problem is that they advertise a lead time of 7-10 business days plus 3 days shipping in the continental US - they even post a testimonial of how it took less than 7 days from placing the order to arriving in Europe - and then exceed that without so much as advising customers of a delay in shipping. That has nothing to do with JIT, or fast, right or cheap, that has to do with the expectations they create and the customer service they provide. In this case they've created an expectation that they would be manufacturing and shipping in 7-10 business days of the order, and then just left their customer swinging in the wind; when confronted their reply is that they don't know when they'll be shipping but not anytime soon.

If a company can't deliver according to its own posted manufacturing and delivery schedules, don't they owe it to their customers to at least advise them there's going to be a delay? :angry2:

I ordered my shield to arrive just in time for my departure for WFO; leaving Tuesday and it hasn't even been shipped. No way it's going to arrive in time now unless they send it FedEx overnight, and there's no bloody way I'm paying for that. I was thinking that I might ask them to send it to WFO so I can at least have it for the trip home but maybe I should tell them that since they couldn't ship it according to their own schedule in the first place they shouldn't bother shipping it to me at all. :angry2:
