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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Stafford, VA
I'm going to get a replacement shield for my 05 and would like to try out a CB if at all possible. Anybody in N. VA have a CB +4+3 (or anything close) mounted on their bike? I know this is asking a lot, but I'd sure like to try one out before shelling out the time and money and then being disappointed. I have one of the fast blue 05s I'd let you ride. Thanks for anybody even considering this!

Buy it and if you don't like it you'll get 80 cents on the dollar for it right here. It is too risky from a liability stand point to expect a non buddy to let you mount his bike. Sad but true! ;)

Better to take the 10 or 15 minutes to swap windshields than to swap bikes.

I like the idea of one member who fabricated a stiff cardboard add on to existing shield. You could try moving box cardboard and lots-o-duct tape and get a good idea if this would work. Might be O.K. up to 50 mph or so, and would give you an estimate of how high and wide you might be happy with instead of the crap shoot most are faced with now. Has anyone else tried this before ordering a completely unknown screen? I guess the problem here is that windscreen likes and dislikes are about the most subjective of the mods we attempt. Seems like no two people of even same height and inseam can agree.

I just rec'd my +4+3, std. countour. I'm 6'2", 32" inseam, heli risers, Russell seat.

I also have a homemade tuning block.

+4+2 w/ flip always had turbulence. I cut 2" off but still not smooth air.

Std. countour still does not provide a "cone of silence", but :

Lowest position: stream of air on helmet, I can feel the air on my chest (this will really help with the cool-vest in the heat.

1/2 up: Shoei vents really working. No buffet, even when turning head slightly.

Full up: Slight wind noise, will still require ear-plugs. If I "scrunch" down about 2", its silent.

All tests done at various speeds from 30 mph to 80 mph (on my private test track, of course).

I've yet to take the Heli spacer out and try it to see if that riding position would put my head in the "silent" area, however, the risers take the pressure off my "old" wrists.

Conclusion: For me, the std. countour is the answer. Another 2 " vertical height might help, but gee whiz, that'd be a monster. I might take one of the stock windshields I have in a box and make my own "Laminar Extension" to see if that helps.

I use the +4+4. It looks barn doorish initally but it works well and you get use to it quickly.


Having just recently picked up my '05, I am curious about the screen height as well. I picked up my scoot from a remote location and forgot my earplugs - huge mistake. As noted in these posts, ducking down 2" puts you in the "cone of silence" when the stock screen is fully extended. However I have noticed a fair amount of push in the back with the screen all the way up - putting strain on the wrists. I have not noticed much buffeting or push in the half-way position - however now receive many insect hits on the face shield... I was hoping the taller shield might do the trick but am wary of the added back push - any one with the taller screen notice this?

I appreciate all the comments. I'll probably just bite the bullet and get the +4+3. I just put on the D&D risers and find that I have to "scrunch" down another inch or two to get into the cone of silence (also the cone of heat!). My wife just started riding with me and she can't really tell the difference when the shield is up or down. She gets buffeted either way. BTW, the D&Ds do make a difference on my wrists and on my upper arms/shoulders. Also get much cleaner, smoother air with the shield down. I'll probably use the bigger shield in cooler weather and maybe when my buddyette is with me. You know, it's amazing how much $$$$ you can spend on this thing without even trying!
