CFR 2010

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is this an open house or invitation only? i got scotch!
<----------------see av
if it's single malt, you're IN! :rolleyes:

edit: and you won't need alcohol to find us interesting. Just sayin' ...

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So it sounds like quite a party is in the works.....IF you are planning on riding the next day, remember this..Indubitably, alcohol severely affects the body. Aristotle once said, "Drunkenness is one's own inhibition, whether sacred or unsacred, just or unjust." However, regardless of whether it is a sip of beer, or a shot of tequila, alcohol takes a powerful and detrimental toll on the body. The gravity of alcohol is highly overlooked, which is why it is the most dominating drug on the market, especially in the "party" scene. Nevertheless, alcohol's effects on the body are numerous, therefore making it not only convoluted, but perilous as well.

Now where did I put my Jamieson's ??

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So it sounds like quite a party is in the works.....IF you are planning on riding the next day, remember this..Indubitably, alcohol severely affects the body. Aristotle once said, "Drunkenness is one's own inhibition, whether sacred or unsacred, just or unjust." However, regardless of whether it is a sip of beer, or a shot of tequila, alcohol takes a powerful and detrimental toll on the body. The gravity of alcohol is highly overlooked, which is why it is the most dominating drug on the market, especially in the "party" scene. Nevertheless, alcohol's effects on the body are numerous, therefore making it not only convoluted, but perilous as well.Now where did I put my Jamieson's ??
Whew, for a minute I thought you were getting serious on us...

Aristotle once said, "Drunkenness is one's own inhibition, whether sacred or unsacred, just or unjust." However, regardless of whether it is a sip of beer, or a shot of tequila, alcohol takes a powerful and detrimental toll on the body. The gravity of alcohol is highly overlooked, which is why it is the most dominating drug on the market, especially in the "party" scene. Nevertheless, alcohol's effects on the body are numerous, therefore making it not only convoluted, but perilous as well.Now where did I put my Jamieson's ??
I prefer what Robin Williams once said, " If alcohol is a crutch then Jack Daniels is the wheelchair"

By the way I will be taking the back twisty way from the GTA up to Ottawa but I am not sure which is the fun way to go from there.

Any suggestions?


Aristotle once said, "Drunkenness is one's own inhibition, whether sacred or unsacred, just or unjust." However, regardless of whether it is a sip of beer, or a shot of tequila, alcohol takes a powerful and detrimental toll on the body. The gravity of alcohol is highly overlooked, which is why it is the most dominating drug on the market, especially in the "party" scene. Nevertheless, alcohol's effects on the body are numerous, therefore making it not only convoluted, but perilous as well.Now where did I put my Jamieson's ??
I prefer what Robin Williams once said, " If alcohol is a crutch then Jack Daniels is the wheelchair"

By the way I will be taking the back twisty way from the GTA up to Ottawa but I am not sure which is the fun way to go from there.

Any suggestions?

Your looking pretty good except for that bit through Ottawa.

Kind of hard to see without the road numbers, are you heading to Almonte because you want to run the 511?

Recommend you take the 511 south then immediatly run it the the opposite direction (You will thank me for that idea)

To completely miss Ottawa cross at Portage Du Fort, take the 303 to the 366. Then over the top of ottawa on to the 50 for a short run then 317, 323, 327 up to the rally.

There is a Best Western in Renfrew, it's about a 5 hour run through the hills to Mt Tremblant from there.

I was planning to suggest that folks from the West might want to meet up there on Sunday.

I live pretty close and could guide folks from there.



I believe you gave me quite a thorough tour through cabin country in 2007 at an enjoyable velocity. Don't remember the Rally Points though being part of the equation...did I win anything?

Quebec gets all the breaks.. that same speed in Ontario is classed as 'Stunting' and will find your vehicle seized on the side of the road and up to a $10,000 fine.

(Says the unofficial speed record holder of a new 4 lane section of highway just south of Sudbury > :)
