Chuckanut Drive Ride Report

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Robin Trower
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
Spokane, Wa
At 27,000 miles I checked the valves on my FJR. They were a bit snug in places and a bit loose in others but all within spec. Rather than go another 25 k miles I decided to check them every 10k until an adjustment was required.
This moment came at 37,000 miles. I choose to have the work done by my dealer for I am not interested in removing the camshaft.

After waiting for parts the work was done on Friday and I picked up the bike on Saturday morning. Parting with a few Benjamins is a great way to start a weekend. It was money well spent.

With coin well spent it was time to enjoy the recently completed work.

I contacted forum member EscapeFJRtist. We laid out a route agreeing to meet in Monroe at Patty's Egg Nest for breakfast at 9:00am.

Fontanaman lives about 40 miles south south of Monroe while EscapeFJRtist lives in Monroe. The significance of this was apparent when Fontanaman hit the road at 8:00 am, his lawn well frosted over, the FJR temp gauge indicating 36 degrees. Fiddling with he new Gerbing dual temp controller Fontanaman wondered if the unit was defective. His prior controller was a single controller - easy enough to hook up. After a quick stop the controller issue was resolved and the heated jacket did it job along with the heated grips.

We both enjoyed a senior breakfast while catching on recent events. EscapeFJRtist does not qualify for senior breakfast while Fontanaman does. Truth be told a senior breakfast is just a smaller portion something Fontanaman would be benefited from long before becoming senior.

There are a lot of great roads near Monroe and EscapeFJRtist knows them all so he led the way to Arlington, all along good backroads.

No photos yet and you are all getting bored with Fontanaman refering to himself in the third person, right?

So he whips out his camera near Lake McMurray and starts shooting.




The road is twisty around Lake McMurray.

After Lake McMurray Hwy 9 snakes up toward Big Lake with a view of the lake and golf course along with a couple of tight turns that are fun despite the lower speed limit. Just after Big Lake I shot these photos of Mt. Baker.

For a closer view of Mt. Baker.

Too bad it was an overcast day.

We press north on Hwy 9 until we the turn off for Lake Watcom a scenic road leading to Bellingham.

Once in Bellingham head toward Chuckanut Drive a eleven mile section along Puget Sound carved into a cliff. A few nice views but today photography was tough so I found some photos on on the web.

By eagle7cmg




After Chuckanut Drive we head on down the Edison Cafe for lunch. After lunch we contnue down along Puget Sound, to LaConnor and point south including a ride along the Skagit River to see a few eagles.

We even notice an eagle soaring along with our spirits after a great day of riding.

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Nice ride on Sunday Jim...thanks for the convincing me I NEEDED to get out for a break. This week on / week off stuff is getting really old!

We found a few twisties, great pic here!



Nice ride on Sunday Jim...thanks for the convincing me I NEEDED to get out for a break. This week on / week off stuff is getting really old!
We found a few twisties, great pic here!


I cheated on this photo. George and I were riding northbound. This is a southbound shot from about 1 year ago on a solo ride. It is a bit to early for the trees to bloom.

It was a great day of riding.

My rear tire has about 10,500 mile or so. Time to change them out before the next ride.

I think the Oly Pen is calling my name. The idea is to ride around the entire Oly Pen in one day and include Hwy 112. Nice road Hwy 112 is - even if the speed limit is on the short side. 5+ is the name of my game cause I don't need to become revenue bait and get picked off by the speed tax collectors. The alternative is make it a two day ride to check out Cape Flattery visiting the most NW point in the USA and stay the night in Forks.

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Nice report, glad to hear you parted with some schekell's at one of the

local eateries. Chukanut is a favorite, I think I may head up there for

a quickie now that you brought it up.

Wish I had a nickle for all times I rode that route. Thanks for the memories.

Nice work, as usual. Might hit the peninsula next Mon. or Tues. depending on how I survive Easter and grandkids. Took off the rifle today, spring is coming on. FYI word has it the gas station at Sappho (intersection of 113 and 101) has ethanol free gas.

Nice R/R - even though it's early, what is that tree with the pink blooms?
I believe it is a flowering cherry tree. Thanks for the kind comments. This ride report is really not up to my usual standards but we were more interested in riding at the expense of taking a few photos on a less than ideal photo day.
