Claim #'s

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Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alabaster, AL
I've seen several people refer to claim #s and letters on this forum. I have niether and my dealer just says Yamaha told him April for me. I called Yamaha directly for a delivery date and they redirected me back to the dealer for any info. Where are claim #s comming from as it has already been discussed that no letters went out for 06s?

Discussed already today in another thread that I can't seem to find easily. Long story short:

Make sure you stand there while the dealer does enters your PDF data into the Yamaha Dealer System. It's reasonable to get a confirmation number

Clicky here for more information including cautionary notes that would concern me if I were you.

If the dealer did not supply you with a claim form printout after taking your $500, then just have him go back into the YDS and have him print out a claim form. That way you know exactly when the order was placed, and that it WAS placed. This has caused problems for people in the past. (dealer neglecting to place the order)

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Same as Fencer, I don't have a claim number either but, I also never asked for one. My feeling is either I get the bike or I don't. I didn't purchase the bike last year because of what I consider to be a screwed up program, so if the dealer is stupid enough to do something underhanded, lose a customer, and a have a complaint registered to Yamaha.....more power to him. Screw me and I will be sure to tell every person that is willing to listen about your underhanded business dealings. There are alot of fine machines out there with reputable dealers willing to take my cash.

I did not order my bike until December 15th or so and my dealer emailed me and said that I was going to have an April delivery.

Course, I already knew that he places an order for about 2 to 5 of them each year for his dealership; Therefore, when I couple that with the fact that I ordered in late December and I did not get a claim number, etc., then it obvious why some of us did not get claim numbers.

We're getting bikes previously ordered by our dealer.

Same as Fencer, I don't have a claim number either but, I also never asked for one. My feeling is either I get the bike or I don't. I didn't purchase the bike last year because of what I consider to be a screwed up program, so if the dealer is stupid enough to do something underhanded, lose a customer, and a have a complaint registered to Yamaha.....more power to him. Screw me and I will be sure to tell every person that is willing to listen about your underhanded business dealings. There are alot of fine machines out there with reputable dealers willing to take my cash.
Sag Harbor? Rochester boy here and never heard of Sag Horbor so I looked it up?

Um' sending you a plane ticket so just come on down here to Naples and you can go back up there with me somewhere about the middle of April.

I keep telling myself the wait is almost over although that really doesn't help much at all :p

It would be nice to at least know what the manufacturing status was. I remember telling my wife last week I was certain my FJR was manufactured that day, she just laughed :p I'm hoping that Tony will keep us all informed once the bikes make port. From what I understand the bikes are invoiced by Yamaha to the dealer once they leave port here in the states, 5 days after I out to have mine :)


Now you have me worried. I ordered mine in late October. I have a receipt, but no confirmation number. They had a problem with the YDS that night, and the dealer called Yamaha, and assured me it would be taken care of the next morning.

So I called the dealer this week, to find out what my confirmation number was, and what the date on the order placement was. I got a lot of assurances that the confirmation number didn't mean anything because Yamaha was building a bike "with my name on it", and that delivery might be April or May.

This is a very reputable dealer, and he just might have not been making pronmises he isn't sure he can keep. But he better be planning on selling me a substitute trade-in really cheap if a lot of other people start getting deliveries before me. I ordered as early as possible :(

Now you have me worried.  I ordered mine in late October.  I have a receipt, but no confirmation number.  They had a problem with the YDS that night, and the dealer called Yamaha, and assured me it would be taken care of the next morning. 
So I called the dealer this week, to find out what my confirmation number was, and what the date on the order placement was.  I got a lot of assurances that the confirmation number didn't mean anything because Yamaha was building a bike "with my name on it", and that delivery might be April or May. 

This is a very reputable dealer, and he just might have not been making pronmises he isn't sure he can keep.  But he better be planning on selling me a substitute trade-in really cheap if a lot of other people start getting deliveries before me.  I ordered as early as possible :(
This just isn't right. The Yamaha Dealer System is set up in such a way that they can go in and look at what is on order. I've seen my dealer do it a number of times. I also have a 2006 FJR1300 Priority Delivery Claim Form that I'm looking at right now. It has a claim number, the dealer contact info, my contact info, instructions to the dealer, the Yamaha logo and the model ordered.

If this dealer is reputable, then just to alleviate your mind, go in and kindly ask him to pull up the YDS and show you that the bike is on order under your name. Tell him your spouse wants to make sure it's on order, something like that. If he balks, then it's very possible they ordered some bikes under assumed names, and you are getting one of those. That may or may not be fine with you. But kind of sneaky if he's not telling you the whole story. This has happened in past years.

You're not asking for the world in trying to make sure the bike is truly on order. It's your money, your potentially wasted time, and your bike!

Thanks, I'm going to do that, just for peace of mind.

I have the feeling everything is OK. One thing the dealer said is that they do not order these bikes under assumed names.

Even so...

....I don't think I can make it to May without a ride

I don't mean to insinuate that I have a dishonest dealer. Far from it. I believe him to be on the up and up. I guess he has used a different form than the "standard" order form. I have a "Bill Of Sale" with our negotiated price, deposit placed, etc. Everything to make a legal sale in this state except for a VIN, which of course could not be filled in until the bike gets here. That is why the question of "claim #s" . So the difference is the paperwork? My bike is already "sold" rather than "ordered".

FJRFencer, I have the same material you do, bill of agreed sale, ie, OTD price plus receipt for $500 deposit. But I also have a claim number. I called Yamaha in So. Ca. and they also have my claim number and that the bike is to be deliverd to my dealer in my name. Call them if you have a concern and they will give you an answer. It might take a day but they will let you know. PM. <>< :D

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The slight, teensy weensy problem is that good ol Yamahaha USA has NO info (as of yesterday...) on the bikes: no staus/location, est arrival date...nuthinn, nada, el zippo. Nice huh? My bike will be delivered in March? Sure...but what year?

My dealer checks their Yamaha site almost daily and nothing since last month when 2 bikes showed up for March delivery and one for new info since. Anxious, after waiting since Sept 28. '05? noooo, not me@$#^%$$#@!!! Sure not my dealers fault...thank you Yamaha: NOT! DFO :angry:

On Feb 1st my dealer got word that my FJR is scheduled for May delivery(I ordered it Dec 31st). They called me yesterday to say it's now been changed to June! :angry: Is Yamaha pushing out deliveries or is the dealer dickin with me?

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On Feb 1st my dealer got word that my FJR is scheduled for May delivery(I ordered it  Dec 31st). They called me yesterday to say it's now been changed to June!  :angry:   Is Yamaha pushing out deliveries or is the dealer dickin with me?
I placed my order in November. My claim number was about 2500 above the lowest ones I've seen on other fora. The dealer called last month to inform that my bike would arrive in April. But by my ciphering, I figure my bike won't show up until June or July, given the late number. But I figured a way to guarantee the bike shows up in the first week of April: I scheduled a business out of town that week. Now, my bike will definitely show up in the first week of April.

PS - 1st post! (Former '05 ABS owner and 1-time champ of the 8-Point Buck vs FJR Champeenship! Now just a lowly '06 waiter).

I guess he has used a different form than the "standard" order form. I have a "Bill Of Sale" with our negotiated price, deposit placed, etc. Everything to make a legal sale in this state except for a VIN, which of course could not be filled in until the bike gets here. That is why the question of "claim #s" . So the difference is the paperwork? My bike is already "sold" rather than "ordered".
You could have the most honest dealer in the world, but if you can't get a claim # with a Yamaha logo on it--I would still be very concerned. Did you read that website link I provided? The guy who writes that page is VERY knowledgable.

You can have a deal with the dealer, but if the dealer doesn't have a deal with Yamaha, you're going to be left without a bike.

I'd just hate to hear about a disappointment later in the year friend.
