cluster swapover

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Jan 21, 2007
Reaction score
Surrey, England
Does anyone know where to get hold of an instrument cluster from the older FJR's? I want to fit it on a new FJR because I don't like the new cluster they've come up with. Is this possible or is the wiring all different? Thanks guys.

I am pretty sure it's darn near impossible, not so much because the PITA wiring differences which you could probably overcome with some difficulty, but it simply won't fit. All the surrounding panels changed, so as far as I know, the instrument clusters are completely different in terms of physical dimensions.

Give it some time, maybe you'll grow to like it. I spoke with another owner today, who has his '04 all torn apart, to replace the $38.00 worth of instrument panel lamps. Yours has LED bulbs, which should last a whole lot longer.
