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fjr turbine

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
Exactly HOW do I do this? (I obviously ain't no wrench, 'kay?)

I found the throttle spring, but it's clipped to a horizontal bar

with the spring behind it.

Do I have to turn the clip on the throttle spring to the

right to get it to go behind the horizontal bar it's clipped

to so it'll unwind?

I looked at the picture on the first page of the Throttle Spring

loosen thread, but it just shows the spring...it doesn't say

HOW to release it.

It doesn't say "Training Pilot" under my user name for nothin'.

Thanks... :unknw:


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:dribble: I have an 05 and I'll I did was take a screwdriver blade and lift the spring off the tab - it unwound once and caught again. Good Luck!
On the 06 , I was able to get a loop of wire [ maybe a zip tie ] under the end of the spring and just lifted the end of the spring off the copper colored tab.

BTW this mod does everything promised ! Throttle response is much, much smoother and, at least in my case, eliminated the low speed "lurch".

Remains to be seen if my tire milage will improve.........


I have an 06 as well. I took a long bladed screw driver and pushed it to the right. At that point, it was hung up on top of the tab as there was not room for the spring to drop off the tab. So I just twisted the throttle slightly, and WHALA - it dropped off the tab and did the once around unwind thing. PERFECT. And you will not believe the difference. This is a must do mod.

I have an 06 as well. I took a long bladed screw driver and pushed it to the right. At that point, it was hung up on top of the tab as there was not room for the spring to drop off the tab. So I just twisted the throttle slightly, and WHALA - it dropped off the tab and did the once around unwind thing. PERFECT. And you will not believe the difference. This is a must do mod.

'Lo agin...

Ah don't rightly knows whut ah did, but it musta workt, 'cuz ah ahlmost, ah sed ahlmost,

kilt mahsef rollin' on this he-ah throttle. It lookt kinda loosy-goosy, so's ah had ta go ta th'

big-city male bildin' (ya'll know...th' Post Ofis) ta chek it out, an' whoooo-doggy,

whut a dif-er-ens.

Crud, ah needs ta git me sum larnin' ta ride all ov-ah, ah sed all ov-ah agin, see-in's

how this he-ah motor-sickle is now over-lee sen-sa-tiv (lahk mah wife).

Lotsa grat-e-tood ta one 'n' all o' ya's. :yahoo:

(o ya, scuz th' spelin')


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