Code 090?

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2016
Reaction score
Sutter Creek, CA
When I come back from a ride and shut the bike down by putting the side stand down, A "090" appears in the lower part of the display instead of the usual info (trip, etc miles). What is that telling me?

Finally back to riding after three years of "stuff". Will be back with some other questions soon, (Yes, I donated a bit to the server fund.)
According to the Internet Brake light switch failure.
Odd that it only shows up after a long hard ride. The internet example had a lot of other problems that are not showing up on mine except, perhaps, the intermittent cruise control. Been busy and wont be able to ride until Friday so will see if there are any oddities when this happens. From habit, I check my brake lights every time before I head out. And everything else seems to function as expected.