Code One Cockpit Issue

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Cool Link. I was hoping they would have one for the SR-71, but I didn't see it. Still some real cutting edge fighters in there.

Oops, sure as hell. Is the A-12 another name for the SR-71? I have never heard it called that before.

Thanks, Hal. What a fascinating site! I have several on my email list who appreciate "cutting edge" aircraft of all generations. I have sent the link to them all.

I got to start up an engine on the C-141 once. That was pretty cool. Thought it was a C-5 though, not sure if that is the same bird? PM. <>< :unsure:

Oops, sure as hell. Is the A-12 another name for the SR-71? I have never heard it called that before.

That and YF-12A. All the same for the most part, some minor cosmetic differences. The YF-12 was even designed to carry AIM-47 and the AIM-54 was in the design chute for it before the F-14 ever saw one.

The A-12 was developed for the CIA as a spy platform. Later the airforce wanted a reconnaissance platform to replace the U-2. A revised version of the A-12 was adopted and renamed the SR-71.

The Aerospace Museum in San Diego has one of the A-12s on display in front of their museum.

Gads, that almost brought tears to my eyes. I am not talking about the new a/c but the old ones . The cockpit looks like I was coming home. What great fun it would be to be in one again. Oh well , it is not to be, just an old man reminiscing again.


My dad flew a p-38 in WWII in the Pacific. Looking at the primitive cockpit reminds me of stories that he told about navigation. He used paper map, compasses and some wierd telescope thing to look at stars. He was never worried about combat. He only worried about flying out and not being able to find his way back in night and bad weather!
