Coffee Run. And Breakfast. And Chocolate. And Ice Cream

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Not Safe For Work
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA (honest)
I met up with some of the local folks--couples, actually--and sampled the cuisine in a short arc to the west and south of Sacramento. First it was Starbucks for coffee, where I found the Hycles, RicinSac and, I guess, KarenInSac, and the RogDebs waiting. Steve and Cindy, the Bluestreeks, arrived after this shot.


Then a brief but fun ride to Plymouth, the Great Marlene and Glen's Dead Fly Diner, for a hearty breakfast. We were met there by FJRob and FJTerri. Apparently Steve didn't want to be seen with us.



After that, it was another grueling half and hour on the road till we arrived in Clements, home of the Chocoholics candy factory, where we all sampled liberally. No pics. My hands were all sticky.

Another few minutes on the road brought us to Walnut Grove, where we found Mel's Ice Cream and Mocha. We all felt we deserved a break, so we tried some of their wares as well.


Finally we split up and headed back up the river towards home, well satisfied and content after a pretty day, good company, and lots of tasty treats. Not exactly an Iron Butt day, but a lot of fun.

Looks like a fun filled high calorie day. Are you sure you guys haven't traded them FJR's in for H-D's...only thing missing is them drink'n establishments. ;)


Sorry I missed it, guys.At least I have the nose back on and the wiring cleaned up....and lights!
We ate your share of chocolate for you :lol:

A BIG thanks to SacMike for being the only one to remember a camera (I think there were a couple more though ??)............... these Candy Assed rides are hard on the body :rolleyes: -- hence the giant calorie intake :)

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Sorry I missed it, guys.At least I have the nose back on and the wiring cleaned up....and lights!
We ate your share of chocolate for you :lol:

A BIG thanks to SacMike for being the only one to remember a camera (I think there were a couple more though ??)............... these Candy Assed rides are hard on the body :rolleyes: -- hence the giant calorie intake :)
Well, it puts a different spin on Candy butt! ;)

And didn't you really mean, "The giant calorie intake of these Candy Assed rides are hard on the body." :eek:

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My hands were all sticky.
Um, I, ah... :blink: ;)

So were there any bikes on this ride or just food? :lol:
Ride to coffee...ride to eat breakfast...and then ride to sample chocolate ...then ride to lunch ...then ride to ice cream! :rolleyes:

Then ride the overloaded bikes home. With all that eating and sugar its a good thing they didn't have far to travel.

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I had a camera, but the resolution was set really low so the pics did not turn out very well, but I did get some shots with bikes in them.




My hands were all sticky.
Um, I, ah... :blink: ;)

So were there any bikes on this ride or just food? :lol:
Ride to coffee...ride to eat breakfast...and then ride to sample chocolate ...then ride to lunch ...then ride to ice cream! :rolleyes:

Then ride the overloaded bikes home. With all that eating and sugar its a good thing they didn't have far to travel.

Anyway, it was Memorial Day. All the roads were real crowded already. With CHP cruisers! :eek:

Sorry we couldn't make it but I think I gained a couple pounds just reading the post :blink: .

Family ride weekend out of Minden, NV had been planned a few weeks out.

My daughter Erin got to ride through her first hailstorm on the way over. Nothing seasons a rider faster than a big hailstone to the lip. :eek:

...And just so my post is not worthless...

Photographic evidence.

Here is a link to my Candy Ass Ride. Total of 176 miles for a round trip and some folks came from farther away.

Thanks go to RogDeb for organizing this ride
I can't take credit for this one --- this was thanks to Debs and Cindi :)

Sorry we couldn't make it but I think I gained a couple pounds just reading the post :blink: .Family ride weekend out of Minden, NV had been planned a few weeks out.

My daughter Erin got to ride through her first hailstorm on the way over. Nothing seasons a rider faster than a big hailstone to the lip. :eek:

...And just so my post is not worthless...

Photographic evidence.
Looks like you all had a great time also Brad -- cool photo's. :)
