cold fork leak - "weep"; what could it be?

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Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score

I am looking at feedback:

2004 ABS, 48,000 miles no problems.

I haven't had any fork problems. Last winter I changed the fork oil. I used Amsoil (blue in color)and even pumped and flushed with clean before refilling.

Afer it was put back together, sitting in the cool / cold garage during the Spring - very minimal riding. I noticed oil (oil like substance) on the right side of the wheel. Imagine the bike sitting on side stand, wheel turned left, and liquid running down the right fork tube and dripping on the inside of the rim. It was a bit red in color and only a few drops, nothing seemed oily up the fork. I assumed it dripped from the axle that I had placed red grease on reassembly.

Rode all Summer (hot in Pittsburgh) about 6000-7000 miles. When it got cool and sat in the garage I noticed it again.

Now I looked up the fork closer. It looks like it is coming from the place where the male goes into female fork.

The odd hing is that it is oilish colored. The Amsoil fork fluid is bright blue. No sign of blue. Not much volume at all

Could it be something else.



Do you have a fork brace? None the less, look up the forks into the fairing, right in the center between the fork legs. There is a banjo bolt in that area which joins the front brake lines, it sounds like the banjo bolt is leaking a trace. The reason I asked about the fork brace is because some of the early braces didn't have a cutout or gull-wing shape to clear the banjo so the brace would hit the banjo when the front forks completely compressed. This usually would result in a weeping banjo. With a new copper washer and you should be good to go.

Edit: Cross posted with Darren. So, what did you find?

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It's just sad winter is upon us :( Those are just bike tears, I'd suggest Zoloft ;)
Or .357! I tip my hat to you snow/cold guys, I just can't imagine not riding for five months every year. I've been out in the garage pre-flighting Seth and Dad's Harley for the Hell's Angel's Toy Run today; and I'm freezing my butt off at 45F degrees! Brrrr!!!
