Comm/CB/Signs of the Apocalyps

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
Mankato, MN
OK, I know this topic has been beat to death in other posts and I know it's a sign of the apocalypse to ask it again :rolleyes: , but I am going to risk the wrath of the feejees because I think I have a different question than has been asked before!

Question: What is the most *cost effective* intercom/CB/audio setup for the FJR that actually works and is simple to install and use?

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Unless you enjoy getting flamed, learn to use the search function, especially when you acknowledge something has probably already been beat to death. Googling with "fjrforum" in the string will also work really well.

On a 2-word search I got a 2 page listing of previous similar threads. Try this one: Click here

I heard these work ok...but with limited range. :p


There are about a million posts on the topic, but none that really address the question I asked. Thanks for all the help. :yahoo:

Question: What is the most *cost effective* intercom/CB/audio setup for the FJR that actually works and is simple to install and use?

The answer to the question of most"cost effective" is first establishing you spending parameters. What is the most you can afford? how inexpensive do you want to go? wired or bluetooth? permanent install,tankbag or helmet mounted?

The folks on the forum are more than willing to help, but they work with you not do the work for you. I would suggest defining your needs a little more and search and read invest a few hours on research

Good luck

I have the J&M it is not cheap but is easy to install and you can attach gps or mp3 player to it .They are cheaper through Sierra electronics than J&M

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