Cool Calistoga - March 2014

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Miss Demeanor
FJR Supporter
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Mountain View, CA
We started the morning off with coffee and chit chat and then hit the road. Encountered rain around Danville and that lasted about 1-1/2 hours allowing me to find out that my boots and gloves were not rainproof. No photos until we all got to Calistoga for lunch at a great place called Checkers - try the lamb sammich!

Everyone headed for our home-away-from-home, Mountain Home Ranch, and I decided to snap a few pics before meeting everyone there... while it was cool and cloudy, we didn't encounter any more rain...





The road in to the ranch is a bit goaty and seems like it goes on forever the first time you ride out there...

But I finally made it!

The main house...


Susan and Susan were puzzled...

The dining room where we would be presented with delectable breakfasts and dinners...

And we found a nice warm spot to dry out our gear...

I have to say that MHR is a real gem... when I had originally looked for places to stay in Calistoga, everything was ridiculously expensive and thoughts of moving the location loomed in my head... but then a Google search and voila! Our place was found!! The cabins are rustic but comfortable - we were in the Love cabin and it fit four ladies quite comfortably.


Lots of blooming flowers and the wisteria trellis smelled heavenly.


All kinds of places to sit and relax and just enjoy the moment...



They have some farm animals onsite and families with children were having a fun time feeding them fresh carrots provided by the ranch. Lots of room to run around and play or just relax too.


The owners, John and Suzanne, are an active part of the meals along with their chef who makes some incredibly yummy food... we chose to stay put and pay a little extra to have a home cooked meal right there (breakfast is included in the cabin rental price) and it was worth every penny... first night was steak, a barley dish, fresh salad and vegetables...

We all found our respective places to rest our heads and awoke the next morning to fresh coffee and a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, and heart-shaped pancakes because John believes you should start every day out with a little love...

We had two routes to choose from and opted for the longer one going north... like this. And with happy tummies and great anticipation, it was time to hit the road! The day was turning out to be cool and clear which was perfect riding conditions not only for the weather but also for the traffic... we had hardly any the whole weekend since most folks stayed home because of a little rain... their loss, our gain!

The first part of the route was a lively pace led by Susan W... I forgot my lanyard so didn't have the small camera out and we were just having too much fun to stop for many pics...

Oh and I found a lanyard at the market in Middletown... it was this or the Raiders... LOL


Lots of this stuff...

Ever had the feeling you're being watched?

Along 128, Pope Valley Rd., Butts Canyon, and stopping in Middletown for a bio break. I turned back to get a couple of snaps of what we had passed while the others took their break...


And I can truthfully say I went to church on Sunday...

From Middletown, we hit 175 to Kelseyville and then 175 into Hopland... it was a hoot! At the end, everyone had big smiles on their faces while gleefully chanting, "Again! Again!!!!"




We scooted into Hopland for some lunch... if you're there, try this place... good burgers!!

Around town...




We high-tailed it back along 101 and 128 to Calistoga since most of us had spa appointments at Indian Springs... mud baths, hot springs pool soaking, massages... life is good!


I have lots of things to hang on this tree...

Oh, and one curiosity at the hot springs pool... not sure whose idea it was to put a funhouse mirror next to a pool but okie dokie... LOL

A couple pics on the way back to the ranch...


Hmmmm... tempting!

We all gathered again for dinner which was a polenta/mushroom casserole thing that was scrumptious... again with veggies and salad... and dessert was rhubarb pie... yuhMEEE!!!

After dinner, everyone played 7th grade dance... the boys at the table talking about technical stuff...

And the girls sitting by the fireplace talking about everything else...

Reluctantly, we headed for bed and checked the weather for the next day... looked like if we left early, we'd be able to get home before the rain hit around noon... so we had one more wonderful meal before packing up and heading for home... I dilly dallied to get some bonus photos for a rally that I'm participating in...

And I stayed out just a little too long and got soaked on the final few miles home... rain jacket and pants worked perfectly... I've already ordered a set of waterproof boots and better gloves! This was such a great weekend, we decided to make plans to go back again later this year so stay tuned for details for the return trip!

Thanks to those who braved the storms and came out to make it a memorable weekend!


Thanks for the great RR Tyler. Though I gotta say...I started sneezing just looking at all those spring pics!


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Noice!!!....said with fake Aussie accent

I'm sorry you had yet another miserable ride, with horrible company, terrible food and awful landscape. You poor soul. lol

I never tire of visiting vineyards & orchards. They always just scream peacefulness and a slower pace of life to me. TFS.

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Great RR Tyler!

I really enjoyed the weekend and look forward to the return trip. Hopefully, we can get some more FJR peeps to thin the Kool-Aid some.

GR, if you can make it, come on over. I think a RR done by you and Tyler would be EPIC!

You're living life right Tyler. This photo makes makes me feel funny in my pants.
Thank you for that body function update... :lol:

Yum, yum. Good stuff Ms. Conehead, great picture LMAO
Thought you'd like that... glad I was fully clothed!!

Thanks for the great RR Tyler. Though I gotta say...I started sneezing just looking at all those spring pics!

Wasn't too bad, G... everything still moist from the rain so not a lot of pollen floating around... ;)

Looks like y'all know how to enjoy things.
This one jumped out at me.
Me too... I had taken a shot from a different vantage point and started to ride away... I glanced one more time over my shoulder and saw this frame of it and knew that would be a much better angle... glad you liked it. B)

Noice!!!....said with fake Aussie accent
I'm sorry you had yet another miserable ride, with horrible company, terrible food and awful landscape. You poor soul. lol

I never tire of visiting vineyards & orchards. They always just scream peacefulness and a slower pace of life to me. TFS.
Yeah, the things I have to suffer through... ;)

And I totally agree with you about the peacefulness... I'm really glad I peeled off on my own to go back to those vineyards... there was very little traffic on what is normally a very well-traveled road and with the clouds hovering low in the sky it was so quiet... after taking the pics, I put the camera away and just leaned on the bike and enjoyed the serenity...

Great RR Tyler!
I really enjoyed the weekend and look forward to the return trip. Hopefully, we can get some more FJR peeps to thin the Kool-Aid some.

GR, if you can make it, come on over. I think a RR done by you and Tyler would be EPIC!
It was great to have you join us, Greg... think there are FJR peeps that wouldn't be too afraid of some of those roads to join us? :D
