Corbin Custom "Low Cut" Seat

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Jun 29, 2008
Reaction score
Escalon, CA
Rode up to Lake Alpine yesterday (200 miles RT) and decided I needed to do something about the height of this bike (since I'm not getting any taller)...I can only touch the ground with 1 flat foot - the other toe. Was a bit awkward when I tried to back out of a parking spot uphill and almost fell over.

That said, I wanted a back rest for my woman, and opted for the new Corbin set up and Ovalback. They are going to custom make the seat as low as possible for me with the sides shaved a bit. I am hoping this gets me flat footed on both sides without sacrificing a lot of comfort...

Anyone else have a custom "low" Corbin? If so, did it do the trick? I have their Classic "Close" Solo on my HD, and I love it...


Posted this in the wrong section originally...

Rode up to Lake Alpine yesterday (200 miles RT) and decided I needed to do something about the height of this bike (since I'm not getting any taller)...I can only touch the ground with 1 flat foot - the other toe. Was a bit awkward when I tried to back out of a parking spot uphill and almost fell over.

That said, I wanted a back rest for my woman, and opted for the new Corbin set up and Ovalback. They are going to custom make the seat as low as possible for me with the sides shaved a bit. I am hoping this gets me flat footed on both sides without sacrificing a lot of comfort...

Anyone else have a custom "low" Corbin? If so, did it do the trick? I have their Classic "Close" Solo on my HD, and I love it...


I have less reach than you do, and find it easier to walk the bike out of a parking space before getting aboard. The real trick is to back into spaces and ride out, or ride through two spaces, so that you can ride out.

Let us know how you do with the Corbin. I have a Rocky Mayer seat for comfort but it is the same height as stock.


I tried the corbin close, and absolutely hated it. Wound up with the regular gun fighter. I can only tip toe it, but after you drop it a few times, you figure out how to keep the bike up.

Take some pics when you get it. Exactly how tall are you?

I'm 5'8" with a 30" inseam...The Corbin on my HD is perfect - hope this one is the same. I usually do back in or ensure I can drive out, but I had 2 bikes behind me and we all crammed in...


I can't comment on the Corbin, but it is a common complaint from those with a 30" inseam that they cannot flat foot with both feet. I'm an inch taller at 5'9" and have a 30" inseam. In very thin-soled shoes (that I wouldn't ride in) I can get both feet flat on the ground (and then some). We've discussed what might cause this difference, but I have to ask if your adjustable Yamaha seat is set to the lowest height. Just a thought.


5'9", 29" inseam; with the plastic "h" seat adjuster pulled out, corbin seat in, w/ combat touring boots, i still can't flat foot the fjr. getting stuck once with bike nose first in downhill parking space and you'll learn to back it in. ( :



Rode up to Lake Alpine yesterday (200 miles RT) and decided I needed to do something about the height of this bike (since I'm not getting any taller)...I can only touch the ground with 1 flat foot - the other toe. Was a bit awkward when I tried to back out of a parking spot uphill and almost fell over.
That said, I wanted a back rest for my woman, and opted for the new Corbin set up and Ovalback. They are going to custom make the seat as low as possible for me with the sides shaved a bit. I am hoping this gets me flat footed on both sides without sacrificing a lot of comfort...

Anyone else have a custom "low" Corbin? If so, did it do the trick? I have their Classic "Close" Solo on my HD, and I love it...

Let us know how it works out. I'm in the same boat as you 5'6" 29" inseam. I'm on my tip toes. Definately looking for a way to get closer to the ground without putiing in lowering links

Definitely on the "low" setting. I think it has a lot to do with wodth as well. When I first got on this bike I jut about ripped my pants open trying to spread my legs that far apart...

I have a 30" inseam as well, and on my '05 I'm on the balls of my feet unless I go to one foot. I actually ended up dropping the bike this spring because of that. I had to park on a steep incline during a bike rally and had to do a turn while on that incline. Fairly minor damage to everything but my ego.

I'm actually considering a lowering link. I'll be sure to post if I do and my results.

I'm 5'8" with a 30" inseam...The Corbin on my HD is perfect - hope this one is the same. I usually do back in or ensure I can drive out, but I had 2 bikes behind me and we all crammed in...
Same here, and I just changed over to a Corbin, and I can almost flat-foot it with boots. Better than before...

I am 5'7" w/29" inseam. Purchased the corbin seat, takes a while to break in but it is by far more superior than the oem. As for the height it did help but also installed the kouba link and lowered the bike 7/8'. Also, it would be a good idea to do the same in the front. I am now flatfooted and life is good. The koubalink sells for $80.00. well worth the investment. I have them on my ducati, suzuki drz.

